Primary 2 – Morning

Good morning!

Here is a an Exercise Learning Log for the month of May. Fill in what you have been doing to keep fit. Have you been working out with Joe Wicks or dancing with Oti? Have you been helping out in the garden or going for a daily walk?


Literacy – Watch the following video on BBC Bitesize about using Speech Marks when someone is talking:

In the link below is a worksheet where you have to add in the Speech Marks. Re-write the sentences putting Speech Marks around the words to show when someone is talking.

For example: Liam asked Wesley, Do you want to come with us?

This would be: Liam asked Wesley, “Do you want to come with us?”

Add the Quotation Marks Worksheet

Here is  a song to help you remember when to use Speech Marks:

Primary 3 Activities

Good Morning

Lets start the day with Cosmic Kids Yoga.


Make up your own imaginary creature, think about what it would look like, where it lives and what it eats.  Draw and write a description of your character.

Remember to try the challenges on Sumdog.  You also have passwords for IDL and Education City.

Mrs Docherty

Primary 2

Good afternoon P2.  Our topic this term is meant to be Whitburn. Although we can’t do the topic in school, we can complete a few activities at home. Go for a walk with your family around your local area. Take notes of different types of houses that you see on your walk. You might see flats, bungalows etc. When you get back, draw all the different types of houses that you saw and label them.

Whitburn Feature Page on Undiscovered Scotland

Primary 1 Maths and Healthy Eating Topic

Good afternoon boys and girls!

I hope you have had a lovely morning.

Try counting forwards and backwards with Jack Hartmann today using the video below

This afternoon for maths when you are on your daily walk take a piece of paper and a pen or pencil with you. Can you write down all the different numbers you spot? Here are a few things you could look out for registration plates, house numbers, street signs.


For our healthy eating topic we would like you to talk to someone at home about the kinds of foods you would eat together e.g. cereal and milk, fish and chips, mince and tatties. Draw some of these foods in your jotter or on a piece of paper. Draw pictures of foods that do not go together e.g. mash and spaghetti, pickles and ice-cream.

Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 3 – 28/04/20 PM

Good afternoon everyone,

This afternoon here are some activities for Music and Technologies.

Mrs Keenan would like you to complete two activities this week for Music.

1) Listen to “The Sugar plum fairy ” as you watch line rider;

2) Ask an adult to help you make a simple maraca;

1. Take a clean yoghurt pot or something similar.

2. Add some lentils/broth mix/rice.

3. Make a lid by putting paper over the top. Secure with tape or elastic bands.

4. Play your new instrument!

Use WordArt to create a word cloud on the topic of Spring. You can see the one I made if you click on the link below:

1)Type your chosen words into the boxes on the left
2)Click ‘Visualize’
3)Edit it by changing the font, colour, shape, image etc.

The website to visit is:

Once you have made it you can share your word art with others by clicking on the ‘Share’ button at the top. It might even let you share the link as a comment on this blog post! Ask an adult to help you share it with someone by sending them the link as a message or email.

Have fun! 🙂
Mrs Harding

P1 Literacy and PE

Good Morning everyone,

For PE this morning we are going to do a bit of yoga. Here is a cosmic kids yoga about Squish the fish.


For Literacy this morning we are looking again at the ch sound. Ch can be at the beginning or end of a word. Here is a short film to remind you,

Can you think of words that begin with ch and end with ch? In your jotter draw two things in the blank space, that use the ch sound. Here is a song to give you some ideas,

Now write a sentence using your ch words, for example

I sat on a chair.

Remember to use capital letters, finger spacing and a full stop.

In Sumdog we have set a ch word challenge. Why not have a go.

We would also like you to have a go at some blending. Follow this website and use your Discovery Espresso logo in the from of your jotter.

Play one of Scraps blending games. You choose.

Remember to pop back this afternoon for some maths 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton.

Primary 2 – Tuesday 28th April

Good morning everyone. Here are a few tasks to complete this morning


Here is a picture of our class vowel house.

Image preview

Remind yourself of the story. Retell it to someone in your family – make sure you show them the actions to match each sound. Try to think of one word for each sound (eg. ai – rain, oo – cook, oa – boat). Write down your words in your jotter and try to draw a picture to match each one.



Practice your doubles to 10 then 20. Watch this video to remind you.


Here is a doubles game – click on the link and choose the doubles game and work through the levels if you can


Complete this doubles task in your jotter

Addition – Doubles – Worksheet / FREE Printable Worksheets ...

Primary 3 – 28/04/20 AM

Good morning everyone!

This video should get you ready for Literacy:

Last week quite of lot of you managed to log in to and had a go at the grammar challenge I set you. I have made a new challenge for this week so please log in again and give it a go! There is also the spelling challenge from yesterday to complete as well. (The challenges last until Friday.)

Please remember to practise reading your tricky words from your word wall or word list as well.


Following on from yesterday’s post on money, here is a money challenge:

How many different ways can you make the total 20p using different coin combinations?

List them in your blue jotter and comment here with how many ways you could find. HINT: there are a lot!!!

Play this Toy Shop Money Game. Select ‘Mixed Coins’ and then select a total that you are happy working within. If it is too easy, select the next highest total. If it is a bit tricky, you could try a smaller total.

Have a good morning 🙂
Mrs Harding

Primary 2 – Maths and PE

Hi everyone. Hope you have all had a good morning. Here are a few tasks for this afternoon.


Continue to practice your number bonds to 10/20, as we were doing last week. Try to write down as many sums you can can that makes 10/20 in your jotter. Here is a number bonds to 10 video to help you



Here is a number bonds to 20 video to help you




Last week we were trying to balance using different parts of our body. Today, we are going to do some travelling. Can you try to travel from one side of your living room or your garden to the other using different parts of your body. Can you travel across only using your

  1. feet (run, walk, hop, skip, jump/gallop etc)
  2. knees only
  3. 2 hands and 2 feet on the ground
  4. rolling (log roll/forward roll)
  5. bottom and feet only
  6. stomach and hands only
  7. 2 hands and 2 knees only
  8. Any other way you can think of to travel

Try to get your family to join in with you. You can try and race each other to see who is the fastest.

Gymnastics Clipart Gymnastic - Gymnasts Clipart Png Transparent ...Gymnastics Clipart Galore - Boy Gymnastics Clip Art, HD Png ...

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