P1 Literacy

Good morning everyone.

Hope you are safe and well.

For Literacy our sound this week is ‘wh‘. Wh is a red sound. Can you tell a grown up which part of the mouth you use to make wh? Can you think of 4 things that begin with wh?

Here are some ideas, whiz, wheel, whale, white, whisper, whisk, whip. Can you think of any question starters that begin with wh?

In your jotter draw 4 things that begin with wh, try to write what you have drawnThen pick 2 of your pictures and write two  sentences, for example,

A wheel is on a car.


I like whip cream.

This activity is part of your new home learning grid so you can do it at a time that works best for you and your family. If you haven’t already see the grid it is in the post below.

Pop back at 10am to see more about our new topic Fairyland.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


Primary 2 – Tuesday 19th May

Good morning boys and girls. Hope you had a good and safe long weekend. This is a new home learning grid with new activities for you to complete throughout the next few weeks

Home Learning grid May


Here are a few tasks for you to complete this morning.


Write a recount of your weekend news in your blue jotter. Remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Try to keep your handwriting lovely and neat.  Try to use some sentence openers such as –

At the weekend…

On Saturday…
Last night…

Draw a detailed picture to go with your news.

Clipart Pencil Cute

Send photos of your writing to




Watch this video to remind you of the coins


Try to find one of each coin in your house – you might need to ask your family. Try to make different amounts of money. Try to make amounts to 10p, 20p or 50p using different coins. If you can, try to make amounts to £1 and beyond.

Have fun, Mrs Reid.


Primary 3 – 19/05/20 AM

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend 🙂

Here is a new Home Learning Grid from myself and Mrs Docherty.  You can work through the activities in your own time, over the next two weeks.

home learning grid 4

During your daily walk, see if you can complete this daily walking challenge:

Thanks to @nlleisure !


This morning I would like you to practise sentence writing.  I would like you to practise spelling, punctuation and using descriptive language to describe the pictures below.

Everyone should remember capital letters at the start and full stops at the end!

For a challenge you could try using commas in a list (,), exclamation marks (!) and connectives (joining words).

The fluffy puppy was ready to play.

The puppy was fluffy, cute, playful and very loving.

The adorable puppy was tired out because she had been for a long walk.


Remember our email address is:


You can send us photos of your work or use it to ask any questions.

Mrs Harding

Jigsaw – Health and Wellbeing

Good morning boys and girls.

Today Jigsaw Jack would like you to make a healthy snack. Can you spread with a table knife? Can you chop some soft foods like a banana or some cheese by making a bridge with your fingers, using a table knife.

Watch the videos below to help you

This one is about spreading

Some foods you can tear here is a little video to help you


Now watch this one about cutting using the bridge and claw


Once you have made your healthy snack send us a picture into the email address


Have a nice weekend, remember Monday 18th is a holiday so we will see you all back here on Tuesday morning ready for some more learning activities 🙂 Have a nice break away from working super hard.

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 2 – Friday 15th May

Hi everyone, another week of home learning is almost over.

This morning for Maths can you practice 5 and 10 frames. We were working on these in class – everyone made a fantastic 5 frame robot or 10 frame monster. Watch the video below to remind you about 10 frames. Use the link below to play games based on 10 frames. We have played this game a few times in class so you should be getting much faster now. Also, remember to complete the Maths activities on your home learning grid.




Also, practice counting to 100 or 1000 if you can. Try starting from different numbers. Try going backwards too.

Choose a number from the 100 square in the picture and get a family member to challenge you with these questions. (If you are able you can try with numbers to 1000 and beyond)

1. Whats the number before, after, between?
2. What is ten more/ten less?
3. What is 2/3/4/5 more?

Image result for 100 square



Have a great weekend. Stay safe everyone! Remember Monday is a holiday. Speak to you on Tuesday. Mrs Reid.


Primary 3 Activities

Good morning

Today I have another scavenger hunt for you, good luck!



I would like you to invent your own superhero!  What do they look like?  What is their superpower?  Where do they live?

Remember to draw a picture and send it to the class email.


Health and Wellbeing

Look in the mirror and give yourself 5 compliments, for example I am kind, I am brave.

Hope you have a lovely weekend and stay safe!

Mrs Docherty

Primary 2

Good afternoon everyone. Here are a few Health and Well-being activities for you to do this afternoon.

  1. This afternoon can you make a card for someone you are missing due to lockdown? On the front of your card, create a picture using pens, paint, glitter etc. Inside your card, write a message to the person you are missing. You can leave the card on the persons doorstep if they live close by when you go a walk (remember to stay 2 meters apart and to wash your hands afterwards) or you can keep your card safe until you see them again.
  2. Make a list of kind things you can do during lockdown for your family in your house. Try and think of as many as possible. Try and do one of your kind things everyday for one week.2,377 Be Kind Stock Illustrations, Cliparts And Royalty Free Be ...

Send me any photos of your cards or your list to



Enjoy, Mrs Reid.

Primary 1 Maths and Topic

Good afternoon boys and girls

For maths today following on from yesterdays sequencing use your number line again put the numbers in the correct order. Once you have done that

  1. get an adult to remove a number(s) from your number line. Which number(s) are missing?
  2. Point to number two numbers and you can say what number is in-between. For example point to 5 and 7, the number in-between would be 6.

For topic this afternoon can you research where some tropical fruits come from. Where are bananas grown? Where does the coco come from to make chocolate? You can use siri or google to ask your device or ask a grown up.  Once you have found out send us an email to let us know 🙂


Have a great day

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 3 Activities

Good afternoon
I would like you to take the rainbow challenge by clicking on the link below.  How many colours of the rainbow can you complete?


Science – Make A Boat!
Hello Everyone, Mr McCrudden here, hope you are all well, hope you are up for some science – This weeks challenge is to make another  boat.  Please use the link below.
Can you take a photo and email to the class email. Good Luck!
Daily Daft
Mrs Docherty

P1 Thursday Literacy and Science

Good morning everyone,

Hope you are all safe and well.

This morning for Literacy we would like you to do the next page in your sentence book. In Education City there are two games for you to play one on the ‘th’ sound and another called the Pet Shop to help you to build sentences. Have a go.

For Science, this weeks challenge is to make a boat. Please do this lesson, as next week there will be a more complicated boat to make that should be lots of fun. So make sure we do this one to get out boat building skills up.

So first of all – Get some tin foil make it into a boat shape with a flat square bottom and edges so the water does not spill in. The water should push it up because water is a really strong force that can hold up heavy weights like real ships. If you are struggling get an adult to help. It should only take them a couple of minutes.
Once you have got your boat, start adding spoons to your tin foil boat to see how many spoons it can hold before it sinks. Before you start, can you guess how many spoons it will hold before the boat sinks?

As an extension you could make another tin foil boat and try to improve your design or if you don’t have any tin foil at home you can make your own waterproof paper at home. Yes that’s right waterproof paper! Get a piece of paper and colour it in with a crayon or a candle – make sure you cover all of the paper. The candle/crayon makes the paper water proof because it creates a barrier between the water and the paper stopping the water getting into the paper and making it soggy.

Can you take a photo and email it to us at,
Pop back this afternoon for some more fun activities 🙂
Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton
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