Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls,


This afternoon for maths we would like you to do some coin rubbing.

Ask an adult at home for some coins, put a piece of paper over a coin and using either a pencil or a crayon can you rub over the coin and see what happens? Take a picture and let us see!

When you pick your coin can you identify what they coin is. Is it a 1p, 2p, 5p or 10p? We know all the coins up to £2 see which ones you can remember.

Remember you can go onto Sumdog at any point to play some maths games.


Today Mrs Grenfell would like you to

Listen to the song, “Bonjour”, on YouTube.

We have listened to this in class already.

See if you can pick out the words:

Bonjour – hello

ça va? – how are you?

Merci – thank you

Ecoutez – listen

 When you hear them, touch your head.


Have a lovely day boys and girls

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 3 – 25/05/20 PM

Good afternoon everyone!


I would like you to create your own character and tell me about them using French vocabulary.  You could design a monster, a superhero, a person – it is up to you.  Copy and complete these sentences accurately to describe your character:

Je m’appelle………….              /   My name is……

J’ai …………   ans.                     /  I am ………… years old.

J’ai les yeux ………………….. / I have ………… eyes.

Possible eye colours are:

noirs   – black

verts – green

bleus – blue

marron – brown

gris – grey

Here is my example:

Topic – Food and Farming

Our topic this term was supposed to be Farming so we thought we would include some blog activities based on this topic.

This afternoon, take a full page in your jotter and draw a picture of a farm.  Include as much detail as you can to show us what you know about already.  You could even add labels or little notes on your drawing to give more information.

It would be great if parents/carers could email the pictures to us, at:

Thank you!

Mrs Harding

P1 Literacy and PE

Good morning Primary 1.

We hope you had a nice weekend.

For PE this morning we would like you to try this activity mat,

For Literacy today we would like you to continue to read over your word walls. Remember to colour in the ones that you know really well so you can see how many you have still to learn.

There are lots of ways to remember those words you are finding challenging. If you are able to we would like you to make some playdough to make those tricky words. Here is the receipe:

8 heaped tablespoons of flour (any kind)

2 tablespoon of salt

1 tablespoon of vegtable or olive oil

about 60ml of water

Method: put flour, oil, salt and some (not all of the water) into a bowl and mix into a dough. You can add food colouring or herbs as well. Add flour or water to make the mixture soft but not sticky.

Now you can make those tricky words. You can form the words or write the words on the playdough your choice. Keep the playdough in an airtight box or food bag and it will last all week.

Pop back later for some more on Fairyland and maths.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


Primary 2 – Monday 25th May

Good morning boys and girls. I hope you have had a lovely weekend and you are all safe and well. Here are a few tasks for this morning.


Log onto the Teach Your Monster to Read website and play the games and activities online

Remember to continue to practice reading and spelling your tricky words everyday if you can.



Mrs Grenfell has asked you to watch this video clip

This is a French counting game, played by children in France. Can you play this game with someone inside or outside?

Flag of France - Wikipedia



Mrs Grenfell has asked you to watch this video clip from last week

Today try to design your own synagogue. Make sure you include all features that are in the video.


Remember to send any photos or comments or questions to me at this email address

Mrs Reid

Primary 3 – 25/05/20 AM

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend despite the stormy weather 🙂

To wake you all up this morning, try dancing along with this Go Noodle video:


In class we have learned about ‘magic e’ for spelling and reading.  (The e at the end makes the first vowel sound strong – we hear the letter name rather than the sound.)

Watch this video to remind yourself:

  1. In your blue jotter I would like you to write down the 5 vowel sounds at the top. (a e i o u)
  2. Next write some 3 letter words that use each of the vowels as their middle sound.  For example:






3. Can you add magic e to the words you have chosen?  Some will make real words, others silly words! Write down the ones that make real words.  For example:

hat ——>  hate

sit ——-> site

tub ——–> tube

Repeat this until you have made a few magic e words successfully.

4. Use your words to practise writing sentences, remembering full stops and capital letters.

(Some children may find step 3 challenging, so focus instead on steps 1, 2 and 4.)

Maths – 2D Shape

Revise the properties of the shapes below by playing the game here:

If you continue through the levels in the game you will also revise 3D shapes which will be our focus tomorrow.

If you have difficulty accessing the above game, try this instead:


As always, any questions or work please email us at:

Mrs Harding

Primary 1 Jigsaw

Good morning boys and girls,

It has been lovely so far to see how you are getting on with your fairyland topic we have loved seeing your information about castles.

Today for Jigsaw, Jack would like you to draw a picture of your family and label your picture to say who everyone is.

Once you have drawn your picture can you write a sentence underneath to say why your family is important and how you feel when you are with them. You could start your sentence with

My family is special because…..


Have a lovely weekend boys and girls

Also, remember there are craft packs at the school ready to be collected. There is one for everybody and there are lots of items inside the folder! You can go up between 12-1.30 to collect these.

Speak to you on Monday

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 2 – Friday 22nd May

Good morning everyone, it’s Friday again. Hope you have had a good week.


This morning read a book with someone in your family then complete the scavenger hunt below


Continue to practice reading and spelling your tricky words


We completed some money tasks this week. Here is a money game for you to play. Choose the level that you would like to try – you can make it easier or trickier if needed.


Thanks for all your photos of work that you have sent so far. Remember you can send comments and photos to me at


Have a safe and good weekend boys and girls. Mrs Reid.

Primary 3 Activities

Good morning

During lockdown my family have been watching all the Star Wars movies so I thought it would be fun to try out some Star Wars yoga.


Over the past few weeks we have been doing a variety of themed scavenger hunts, today I would like you to create your own scavenger hunt for a family member.  You could also send it to the class email and I could try to complete it with my family over the weekend.

Heath and Wellbeing

Write a list of 10 things that make you happy  and share it with someone at home.

Hope you have a lovely weekend and stay safe.

Mrs Docherty


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