Primary 2 – Morning

Good Morning!

Literacy – For Writing, watch the following video on how to make a Jam Sandwich. Then write instructions for how to make a sandwich in your jotter:

You can put in your own fillings. My favourite ingredients for a sandwich are cheese, tomato and cucumber.


  1. Include a Title
  2. Make a list of Equipment/Ingredients
  3. Write the steps in order
  4. Number each step and take a new line for each step
  5. Draw a picture for each step at the end

Now follow your Instructions with an adult and make your sandwich. Did you get the steps in order?

Send us a picture of your sandwich and writing:

Maths – Below is a link for the Mental Maths Train. You can choose to Add, Subtract, Multiply or Divide. Each cart on the train has different levels. Start on the Addition cart and challenge yourself. Why not try Subtraction next!


P1 Literacy and PE

Good morning everyone.

For PE this morning we would like you to join Joe Wicks again.

For Literacy this morning we are going to be writing about the three little pigs and their houses. Tell a grown up what the first little pig built their house out of, then the second and finally the third. In your jotter draw the 3 little pigs next to their houses.

Then in your jotter write about the houses in the correct order. For example,

The first pig made a house out of …

Remember to take a picture and email it to us at

Pop back later for some more activities.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

Primary 3 Activities

Good morning

Time to start our day with some exercise from Kidzbop.


I would like you to read the text below then write the answers to the questions in your jotter.  Then it is your turn, I would you to write about the things you like.

Please remember we enjoy seeing your work,  you can send your work to the class email.

Mrs Docherty

Primary 2 afternoon 26.5.20

Good afternoon boys and girls. Hope you got on well with your tasks this morning. Here are some tasks for this afternoon.


Mrs Keenan has sent you these activities for Music today.

She would like you to watch this video clip and join in


She has also asked you to watch this video clip about counting in Spanish. Join in if you can



Last week you were asked to draw your dream home. This week can you try to draw a map of your home showing all the different areas such as you bedroom, the kitchen, the bathroom, the garden etc. Try to draw where your TVs, sinks, doors, bath, shower etc are on your map too.

Send me photos of your map to my email address

Thank you Mrs Reid

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls

Today for maths can you have a go at some 10 frame games. Last week you were making your own so you should be experts.

On gregtangmath you have to make the ten frames. It games you the number and you need to make the number on the ten frame.

Here you can you say how many – the circles will be on the frame can you say how many there are and how many spaces e.g. 4 circles 6 spaces.

Have a lovely day

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


Primary 3 – 26/05/2020 PM

Good afternoon everyone!

Music –  from Mrs Keenan

Watch the following video about machines;

How many jobs can be done with the tractor?

This video shows you machines that can go on a tractor.



My 8 year old nephew suggested the boys and girls in my class might like to do a quiz, so here we go!  No cheating please! Write your answers down in your jotter or on a piece of paper. You could try it with your family and see who gets the most right answers 🙂  If you need the answers, email me and I will tell you ! Let me know how you all get on! (Thank you for the idea Andrew 🙂 )

  1. What 3 colours make up the French flag?
  2. Which fairytale character slept for 100 years?
  3. What language is spoken in Australia?
  4. What sort of animal is the video game character Sonic?
  5. What is a baby cow called?
  6. What is the name of the snowman in Frozen?
  7. How many days are there in June?
  8. What do tadpoles turn into?
  9. What colour is a giraffe’s tongue?
  10. Where is the smallest bone in the human body?

Have fun!

Mrs Harding

P1 Literacy and Music

Good morning Primary 1,

Hope you are all well and safe this morning.

For Literacy this morning we are going to revisit the sound j. What colour is this sound? That’s right it’s a green sound. Watch this film and think of things that begin with j.

Using the playdough you made yesterday, can you make some things that begin with j. In your jotter, draw 4 things that begin with j and name what you have drawn. Then using two of your j words write a simple sentence, for example:

I like to jump.

There is a j challenge on sumdog for you to complete and some activities on Education City.

Remember to send us pictures of anything you have done to

For Music this week we are listening to and thinking about some of our favourite songs. Listen to these songs. What are they about?

With a grown up’s help watch the Frozen song and try to answer some of the questions.

Pop back later for some more activities.


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton




Primary 2 – Tuesday 26th May

Good morning everyone. How are you today? Here are your tasks for this morning.


Today we will work on nouns. A noun is a naming word. Watch this video below to remind you about nouns

Once you have watched the video try to write 5 nouns that you can find in each room of your house. Try to find 5 nouns in your kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom, shed, garden etc. Here is an example

Bedroom – lamp, bed, mirror, carpet, curtains

Good luck



Continue to practice counting to 100 and beyond. Watch this video to help you

Ask a adult to say a number any number from 0-100. Start from the number they say and count forwards until they shout STOP!

Then, ask them to say another number from 0-100 and count backwards until they shout STOP!

Repeat as many times as you can manage.

100 square and number line | Teaching Resources

If this is too tricky – try numbers 0-20. If you need a challenge then try numbers to 1000 or beyond if you can.


Play this ordering and sequencing online game. You can choose the level that suits you. Remember to make it trickier if you can


Have fun! Mrs Reid.

Remember to send any photos or comments or questions to me at this email address

Primary 3 – 26/05/2020 AM

Good morning everyone!

I know some of you enjoyed the Go Noodle video yesterday morning so here is another one to wake you up!

Maths – 3D Shape

We have been revising 2D shape recently and today we will move on to 3D shape.  That is three dimensional shape, or solid shapes.  Solid shapes can be described using the words; face, edge and vertex (vertices if more than one).

Watch this video to remind yourself.  (There is also some information on the webpage if you need it.)

Then log in to Education City ( where I have created some work for you on 3D shape.  (P3 Maths – 3D Shape)  Start with Solid Shapes (a learn screen) then move on to the other games.

Literacy – Grammar

You have done lots of work on adjectives (describing words).   Today we will be practising opposite adjectives.

Copy and complete the adjectives so each one is matched with it’s opposite.

Now have a go at coming up with some of your own opposite adjectives for these words:

  • cold
  • loud
  • wet
  • tight
  • old

Remember our email address is:

It has been so nice hearing from lots of you and seeing some of your work 🙂

Mrs Harding

Primary 2 afternoon 25.5.20

Good afternoon boys and girls. Hope you got on well with your tasks this morning. Here are this afternoon’s tasks for you


Log onto Sumdog and complete the challenge set for you based on what we have been learning in class this year. I’ll log on and see how you get on. Good luck.


Write the number 10 in the middle of your jotter. Around your number 10, write as many ways to make 10 as you can. eg 7+3 or 12-2 or 2×5. Try the number 20 or 30 if you want a challenge.



Complete the ball challenge below in your garden. Remember to be careful if there are other people around.

The Ball Challenge Resources at Home | Teaching Resources


Remember to send any photos or comments or questions to me at this email address

Mrs Reid

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