Primary 1 maths

Good afternoon boys and girls.

Today for maths we would like you to practise your number bonds to 10.

Can you play hit the button – click on number bonds – addition within 10. See how many questions you can get in 1 minute. Try again see if you can beat your score.


Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


Primary 3 Activities

Good afternoon


I would like you to complete the activities from BBC Bitesize by clicking the link below.  Please watch the video and complete the activities.  Then try to complete some questions  on the Sumdog Challenge.


This weeks challenge is the Paper Helicopter Challenge.
The science is all about forces with the paper helicopter being pulled down by gravity and that the fall is being slowed by the wind resistance.
However it also emphasises – Fair Testing when you do this activity. It is really important that you –  drop them from the same height and at the same time to make sure that the race is fair.
Mr McCrudden

Daily Daft

Mrs Docherty

P1 Literacy and Science

Good morning everyone,

For Literacy this morning we are going to look at blending. Blending is what we do when we say all the sounds and form a word. For example,

c     a     t     if we blend these single sounds together we make the word cat.

There are some words we can’t blend. These words are often called tricky words, you are learning these on the word walls. Watch this short film on BBC Bitesize,

Can you try to blend some of these words,

Here is a fun blending game you can do with the playdough that you made at the beginning of the week.

As you say the sound for each letter squash the playdough. Once all the playdough is squashed try to say the word.

For Science today, we are going to investigate forces by making a paper helicopter. Watch the film to see how,

Once you have made your helicopter we would like you to test it. Remember, it has to be a fair test so make sure you are dropping it from the same height. Gravity is the force that is bringing it down to the ground. What happens when you change the size of the propellers? Which size works best? You might need to make a few helicopters to test.

Remember to send us pictures of your helicopters to,uk

Pop back later for more activities,


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton



Primary 2 – Thursday 28th May

Good morning everyone. Hope you are all safe and well. Here are a few tasks for you to complete this morning.


Practice your handwriting of all the lower and upper case letters in your jotter. Remember to start in the correct place and keep your letters neat and tidy. See the picture below to help you.

How to help children distinguish a capital letter from a lower ...


We have also been working on nouns. Nouns are naming words. Watch this video to remind you


Try to make a list of all the nouns you can see in this picture of the beach in your jotter. Try to find as many as you can

People At The Beach Clipart



Practice writing your numbers. Ask an adult to say a number and you write it down . Get them to check it is correct. Try writing numbers from 0-10, 0-50, 0-100, 0-1000. Choose the numbers that you feel most confident in. If you get them all correct then try higher numbers. Try 2 digit, 3 digit and 4 digit numbers. Go even higher if you can.

Count forwards and backwards starting from different numbers. Try counting within 100, beyond 100 and 1000 if you can.

Continue to practice counting in twos, fives and tens starting from different numbers. Try forwards and backwards. Ask someone from your family to test you.

Here are some songs to help you

Mrs Reid

Primary 3 Activities

Good morning

Time to wake up with some yoga!



I would like you to write a story using  Roll a Story to help you plan the characters, setting, emotions, props and problem.  When writing your story please remember to use capital letters and full stops.  I would like you to use adjectives to describe the characters and setting.  Once you have written your story please read it over. It would lovely to read your stories, you can send them to the class email.


Mrs Docherty

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls.

I hope you are enjoying your activities this week for fairyland- The Three Little Pigs!

This afternoon for maths can you practise your doubles.

We would like you to ask a grown up to count out a number of items for example toys, sweets, lego or maybe go outdoor and get some leaves. See if you can double the number. For example your grown up might ask you to get 2 leaves, double it how many would you need? You should now have 4.

Enjoy your day everyone

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 3 Activities

Good afternoon


Please choose one of the Number Talks tasks below.  Then I would like you to go on Sumdog and try to answer a few questions on the Maths Challenge.




Today I would like you to think about the animals you would find on a farm.  I would like you to choose a farm animal and research facts about them and record your findings in your jotter.  Click on the link below to see how you may wish to set out your facts and the headings you can use.

farm animal fact sheet

Please send your animal facts to the class email

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Mrs Docherty

Primary 2 – Afternoon 27th May 2020

Hope did you get on writing Instructions on how to make a sandwich. Please let us know by getting in touch using the email address at the end of this post.

Why not take a few minutes to listen to Newsround? Pick one of the items on the news that interested you and draw a picture. Write a few words underneath and label the picture to give the reader more information.

Click on the link for below to get the current news!

Art – Do you have unwanted newspaper, leaflets and magazines lying around? Why not create something with them. Use the pictures or colours in newspapers/magazines to create an image or mould the paper to make wall art. Here are some examples:

We would love to hear from you, please send us your comments and pictures to:


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