Primary 2 – Friday 12th June

Good morning everyone, another week over already. The time is going by so quickly. Here are your activities for this morning,


It’s free writing Friday again. You can decide what you want to write about – a monster/fairy/animals/an adventure…

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Remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Try to write a beginning, middle and end and include interesting vocabulary. Good luck!

Practice your tricky words on your word wall with an adult.



Let’s recap the days of the week and months of the year. Here are some videos for you to watch to remind you



Here are the months of the year, put them in the correct order













Once you have put them in order, write one thing that happens in that month every year. For example;

December – Christmas


Remember to email your photos to me at

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and stay safe with your family. Relax and have fun, Mrs Reid.

Primary 3 Activities 12.06.20

Good morning

Time to learn a new dance routine, good luck!


Please click on the link below for a daily bitesize lesson on grouping and sharing.  Watch the 2 videos and then complete the activities.

Here is a challenge for all the Disney fans in Primary 3.


Health and Wellbeing

Natural object meditation

Hold the object – e.g. a shell, pebble or piece of fruit – in your cupped hands. Is it heavy or light, warm or cool? Is it smooth, bumpy or rough. What colours can you see? Gaze at the patterns, colours and textures in the object and appreciate its beauty.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Docherty

Primary 2 – 11.6.20

Good afternoon everyone. Here are your tasks for this afternoon.

We have been learning in PE about how our body needs exercise to keep our bodies including our hearts and lungs healthy. Can you use the internet to research other benefits of daily exercise. Try to find out information from websites. Here are some questions to help you

  1. How long should we exercise for each day?
  2. How does exercise keep our bodies and minds healthy?
  3. What types of activities can you do to exercise?
  4. Where can you exercise?
  5. Which parts of our body work the hardest when we exercise?


Make notes about exercise from the websites in your jotter. Use your notes to create a poster to encourage people to exercise everyday. Your poster should have

  • a large title about exercise
  • colourful, large pictures
  • information (short information messages – not a story)
  • Neat and tidy writing

Exercise Winter Transparent & PNG Clipart Free Download - YWD


Email your photos to me at

Thanks, Mrs Reid

Primary 1 maths

Good afternoon boys and girls,

Last week you were asked to make your own clock using stones and sticks. This week you are going to do some more work to practise telling the time.


Try to work out which time each clock is, you can write it down or you could discuss this at home with an adult 🙂


Have a lovely day

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 3 Activities 11.06.20

Good afternoon


I would like you to choose a worksheet from below and complete it in your jotter.  Then try to answer questions from the Sumdog Challenge.

Column addition

Pirate Number Bonds to 20

Number Bonds to 10


Hello Everyone we have a fresh challenge for you this week. This week we are going to move away from the building challenges and do a bit of a brain teaser.
Did you know that your brain is split up into different areas. For example, the area of your brain that controls movement is different from the area that controls talking and listening. These different areas are linked but certain areas specialise in different activities.
Watch the video clip then draw the table.  The table is really important so make sure you copy it down accurately. Once you have done that, test yourself and see which activities you are good at some will be harder than others.
Once you have done that you need to put someone else to the test. It will be most fun if you have an adult to work with however anyone will do.
Mr McCrudden

Food and Farming

I hope you enjoyed learning about food chains yesterday.  Today I would like you to chose a farm animal and create a food chain.  I have also set food chain activities in Education City for you to explore.



Daily Daft


Mrs Docherty

P1 Literacy and Science

Good morning Primary 1,

Hope you are all well.

For Literacy this morning we would like you to use your blending skills to solve this code breaker,

For Science, Mr McCrudden would like you to watch this film and make a launcher using junk around the house. You will need a grown up to help you. Remember to ask a grown up before using it in the house just in case.

Pop back later for some more activities,


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

Primary 2 – Thursday 11th June

Good morning boys and girls, hope you are all staying safe. Here are a few tasks for you this morning


Using the book you read on Monday, or your favourite book, complete this book review. Remember to write your answers in sentences with capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.


Practice your tricky words with an adult as much as possible


Practice your letter formation – remember to start in the correct place. Use the picture below to help you



Complete the questions below in your jotter

Use the number line to help you if you need it

Double Sided Number Lines Boards | Spaceright Europe Ltd

Email me your photos of your work to

Mrs Reid

Primary 3 Activities 11.06.20

Good morning

Today we are going to explore superpowers and have some fun with the Incredibles!


I hope you enjoyed yesterdays story, today we are going to complete activities based on the story Commotion in the Ocean.  Please listen to the story and then choose 3 activities to complete in your jotter.

Throughout the story, new sea creatures are introduced using short rhyming poems. Can you create your own poem for a sea creature of your choice?

There are many different types of sea creature in the story. Which of the sea creatures is your favourite, and why?

There are facts about each of the sea creatures hidden within the poems. Can you choose a sea creature from the story to research and make a fact file about it?

If you could have one of the sea creatures special features or skills for a day, what would you choose, and why? (for example would you have 8 arms or be able to swim underwater for a really long time?)

See if you can invent your own sea creature and then draw a picture of it. What features would it have? Would it have any special skills?

Mrs Docherty

P1 Literacy and PE

Good morning Primary 1,

This morning for Literacy we would like you to make a wanted poster. Imagine you are one of the 3 bears and you would like to catch the person who ate all your porridge, broke your chairs and beds. Either on a piece of paper or in your jotter make a wanted poster to catch Goldilocks.


  • WANTED at the top of your page.
  • A detailed drawing of Goldilocks
  • Write what she looks like, e.g. She has yellow hair. She has a blue dress. She is tall.  You decide.
  • Remember to sound out your words, use finger spacing and capital letters.

Email us your wanted posters to,


For PE this morning we would like you try a bit of mindfulness,

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls,

Today you are going to be practising counting backwards, it will be just like we did last week but going the other way this time.

Below is the Hundred square that you can use if you like.

  1. Can you practise counting backwards from 100 in 1s.
  2. Can you find the number e.g. find number 56?
  3. What number comes before e.g. before 63? is 62.
  4. What number comes 2 before e.g 2 before 24 is 22.

Have a lovely day

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

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