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Polkemmet ELC- return to nursery information.

Dear parents/carers,

I would like to keep you updated regarding Polkemmet Nursery Class plans to re-open on the 12th August 2020.

Ready to return – Our primary focus has been the physical safety, mental and emotional wellbeing of children and staff, in planning our return to nursery. We know that some families may have found the lockdown very difficult, we all have different levels of worry or anxiety about our return to nursery, this is normal. Our planning will put wellbeing at the heart of our nursery return and curriculum.

We are immensely proud of our children and we thank you, the parent and carers for your understanding and resilience throughout.

7-8-2020 Nursery Return Letter for Parents

Asthma: Week 24 – 30 August 2020

Asthma Week  24-30 August

Top tips to help manage the risk of asthma attacks from NHS Lothian

Each year we see an increase in asthma attacks in children when they return to school which often result in admission to hospital.  Check out our top tips to try and avoid this happening.

 Remember, asthma attacks are serious and you need to get help day or night if your child is not responding to their blue inhaler.

Asthma Week 35 School Poster 2020 v0.2 APPROVED

Primary 2 – Friday 26th June

Good morning boys and girls. Hope you are all safe and well. It’s the last day of term. It’s been a strange and unusual term hasn’t it? We are sad that we didn’t see you this term, but we are so glad to have spoken to you on the phone. It was lovely to hear all your stories. It’s a shame we didn’t get to do more learning together in school but we are proud of how hard you have tried to work at home. We hope you have a fantastic summer holiday. We will see you all again in August. Stay safe and have fun everyone! Mrs Reid and Mrs Bashir!

Here are some outdoor Maths challenge cards for you this morning. Enjoy!

Primary 2 – 25.6.20

Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all working hard. Here is your task for this afternoon.

This afternoon, can you think about where you would go on your dream holiday? Would it be Disney World? France? London? Lego Land? Draw a picture in your jotter of where you would go. Now can you write about your dream holiday? Think about these questions to help you write your sentences

  1. Where would you go?
  2. Who would you go with?
  3. How would you get there?
  4. What would you want to see when you arrive?
  5. What activities would you do when you got there?

Library of clip art black and white library dream cloud png files ...


Email photos of your work to me at

Thanks, Mrs Reid

Primary 2 – Thursday 25th June

Good morning everyone – not long to go now until the end of term. Here are a few tasks for this morning.


This morning let’s recap on how to subitise. Here’s a video to remind you


Play this game online. It will adapt to make it easier or harder depending on your answers. Have fun!



Complete this task for your new teacher in your jotter


Email photos of your work to me at

Thanks, Mrs Reid

Primary 2 – Afternoon 24th June 2020

How did you get on this morning?

Planning your dinner party

Now you have your invitations, what will you make for your dinner party?

Here is what I would have:

Starter: Bread sticks and dips

Main: Tomato pasta with garlic bread

Dessert: Fruit skewers

Draw your Starter, Main and Dessert laid out on the table.



Here is a fun Subtraction Game. You can choose your level:

I hope you have a lovely day in the sun today!


Primary 2 – Morning 24th June 2020

Good Morning P2!!

Start your day with a dance along:


Writing: The focus this week is a dinner party! With adult permission you will be hosting your own dinner party for your family on Friday!

L.I: I am learning to write invitations.

Write your family invitations to your dinner party in your neatest handwriting! Remember to include:

  1. When the dinner party will take place (day and time)
  2. Where the dinner party will take place (location)
  3. Contact information (email address or phone number)


Get Creative: Give your guests another treat.

How to make a paper fan for your guests:


Send comment and pictures to:


Primary 2 – 23.6.20

Good afternoon everyone. Here are some tasks for this afternoon.


Here is a song to remind you about washing your hands throughout the summer holidays



The weather will hopefully be warm and sunny during the summer holidays. It’s really important to wear sun cream so you don’t burn. Watch this video about sun safety


Can you create a poster or leaflet telling others how to stay safe in the sun? Remember to make your poster of leaflet bright and colourful with lots of clear information. Don’t forget to include pictures. Good luck.

Email photos of your work to me at

Thanks, Mrs Reid

Primary 2 – Tuesday 23rd June

Good morning boys and girls, hope you are all safe. Here are your tasks for this morning.


How many words can you think of that BEGIN with

  1. sh
  2. ch
  3. th

Write a list of as many as you can think of.

Now see if you can think of any words that END in

  1. sh
  2. ch
  3. th

Write as many as you can. Good Luck!



This morning we are going to recap on 5 and 10 frames. Watch this video to remind you


Play this 10 frame game online. It will adapt to make it easier or harder depending on your answers. Have fun!


Email photos of your work to me at

Thanks, Mrs Reid