At 10am on BBC Scotland, BBC Bitesize will have clips on Primary Literacy. This will be on Reading and creating your own Writing for Primary pupils. Itf you have Sky, it is on Channel 115.
I hope you pick up great tips on Reading and Writing!
At 10am on BBC Scotland, BBC Bitesize will have clips on Primary Literacy. This will be on Reading and creating your own Writing for Primary pupils. Itf you have Sky, it is on Channel 115.
I hope you pick up great tips on Reading and Writing!
Good Morning Primary 2! I hope you had fun and are all energised after Joe Wicks!
Your Writing Task for today:
Write about your favourite day during the Easter holiday. Did you go on an Easter Egg hunt? Who did you go with, what happened, where were you, did you have clues, did you have an adventure finding the egg, did something funny happen?
Or were you surprised with a chocolate egg? Who gave it and when? Describe the packaging, the shape, colour, size and texture. Could you smell the chocolate? How did it taste? What sound did the chocolate make when you broke it?
Use an exclamation mark ! in your writing to express excitement or surprise.
Have 3 paragraphs to your story. A Start, Middle and End. Remember finger spaces, use connectives and an exclamation mark.
Happy writing!
Hi boys and girls. This afternoon I would like you to choose a spring time animal and use the internet to find information about it. Try and find out facts about your animal – what it eats/where it comes from etc.
Present your information in your jotter. Remember to include – a title, drawings and 5 facts about your chosen animal.
Good luck, Mrs Reid!
Mrs Keenan has sent some Music activities for you to complete too this afternoon.
Using your voice;
Sing Scottish songs you already know. How many do you know?
I think you know the following;
3 Craws sat upon a wall, Ali Bali Bally bally bee, Ye canny shove your granny aff a bus.
Do you know;
Donald where’s yer troosers?
Good morning. This morning I would like you to log onto the Oxford Owls website to practice your reading. Here is the link
You can choose which book you would like to read. You can choose more than one if you can. Read your book to someone in your family. Try to create questions about the book you have just read. Think of a question for each of the following question words – who/what/where/why/when? Write your questions in your jotter.
For Maths today, we will recap 3D shapes. Watch this video to remind you about the 3D shape names
Try to find objects around your house, in your garden or on your daily walk that are 3D shapes. Make a list of them in your jotter.
We learned about 3D shape properties in March. Watch this video to remind you
Find objects around your house that are 3D shapes – tins of beans/boxes of cereal/balls etc. Explain to someone in your family how many faces, corners and edges each of your chosen shapes have. Try to draw a picture of each of your shapes in your jotter and label them.
Remember to continue to pratice counting forwards and backwards to 100 and beyond starting with different numbers. Leave a comment and let me know how you are getting on. Mrs Reid
For PE, we have been doing gymnastics. Can you watch the different balances on this link
Try these balances in your house or garden. Make sure you choose an open space and make sure no one is close to you that could get hurt. The first balance is really tricky, try it if you want to, but the others you should manage with some practice. Try holding each balance for as long as you can. Try and see if you can beat your own time. Ask your family to join in and see who can hold the balance the longest. Have fun! Leave a comment to let me know how you get on please. Mrs Reid.
Mrs Grenfell has an RME task for you to complete on Judaism. Here it is…
Judaism is a religion. Jewish people practice Judaism.
Every Friday evening until Saturday evening is called “Shabbat”. It is the holy day of the week.
Watch this clip on Shabbat
· Draw a picture of something Jewish people do at Shabbat.
· Tell an adult/brother or sister things that they do at Shabbat that are the same or different from the things you do at the weekend.
Monday 20th April
Hello! I hope you had a lovely Easter holiday and didn’t eat too many Easter eggs. We are back to home learning today. Here is a new home learning grid with lots of tasks for you to complete.
I will still continue to post other tasks for you to complete each morning and afternoon. Please comment on these posts to tell me how you are getting on. I would love to hear from you!
This morning I would like you to write about your Easter holidays in your jotter. Write a few sentences to tell us what you did to keep busy during your two weeks off. Remember to include what you did, who you did it with and any other interesting information you can think of. Draw a picture too.
I have set up a spelling challenge on Sumdog for you to complete. Log into Sumdog and complete the games based on your groups previous spelling words. I will log in too and see how you are getting on. Good Luck!
Remember to practice your tricky words on your word wall each day with a family member. Try reading the words and if you want a challenge – try to write some too.
Well done boys and girls. You have made it to the last day. I’m sure you have been working hard on your home learning for the last few weeks and now all deserve a rest (and lots of Easter eggs!)
Last few tasks before you have your two week holiday.
3. Try to put these Easter words into alphabetical order in your jotter.
Remember if two words begin with the same letter, you need to look at the second letter to help you. Good Luck!
I hope you have a happy Easter holidays and enjoy resting. Stay at home, stay safe and remember to keep washing your hands. Speak to you on Monday 20th April. Mrs Reid.
Good afternoon everyone. I’m sure you have worked hard this morning.
This afternoon can you write a story about the Easter bunny in your jotter? It can be a funny story, a sad story, a cheeky story, an adventure story – use your imagination. Remember to use capital letters at the beginning, finger spaces between your words and full stops at the ends of your sentences. Try to include a description of your bunny and good vocabulary to describe what happened in your story. Here are some questions to think about…
What does your bunny look like? – size/colour/facial features
What did your bunny do in your story?
Is there anyone else in your story/? What did they do?
Was there a problem? Who solved the problem?
Does your story have a happy or sad ending?
Remember to draw a picture of your story too!
This afternoon try to create a picture or a model of the Easter bunny. You could use junk, lego, your salt dough, play-doh, natural materials from outside, paper/pencils/crayons/paint etc. Use whatever you have in your home. Remember to email pictures of your bunny. I’d love to see them. Mrs Reid
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