Category Archives: Uncategorized

Primary 2 – Morning

Good morning!

Here is a an Exercise Learning Log for the month of May. Fill in what you have been doing to keep fit. Have you been working out with Joe Wicks or dancing with Oti? Have you been helping out in the garden or going for a daily walk?


Literacy – Watch the following video on BBC Bitesize about using Speech Marks when someone is talking:

In the link below is a worksheet where you have to add in the Speech Marks. Re-write the sentences putting Speech Marks around the words to show when someone is talking.

For example: Liam asked Wesley, Do you want to come with us?

This would be: Liam asked Wesley, “Do you want to come with us?”

Add the Quotation Marks Worksheet

Here is  a song to help you remember when to use Speech Marks:

Primary 2

Good afternoon P2.  Our topic this term is meant to be Whitburn. Although we can’t do the topic in school, we can complete a few activities at home. Go for a walk with your family around your local area. Take notes of different types of houses that you see on your walk. You might see flats, bungalows etc. When you get back, draw all the different types of houses that you saw and label them.

Whitburn Feature Page on Undiscovered Scotland

Primary 2 – Tuesday 28th April

Good morning everyone. Here are a few tasks to complete this morning


Here is a picture of our class vowel house.

Image preview

Remind yourself of the story. Retell it to someone in your family – make sure you show them the actions to match each sound. Try to think of one word for each sound (eg. ai – rain, oo – cook, oa – boat). Write down your words in your jotter and try to draw a picture to match each one.



Practice your doubles to 10 then 20. Watch this video to remind you.


Here is a doubles game – click on the link and choose the doubles game and work through the levels if you can


Complete this doubles task in your jotter

Addition – Doubles – Worksheet / FREE Printable Worksheets ...

West Lothian Educational Psychology Telephone Service

West Lothian Educational Psychology Telephone Services – extended service hours to commence, Monday 27th April 2020, Monday to Friday from 9am -15.30pm.

Telephone consultation service – during school closure period

For: Parents/carers, school staff, young people and other agencies seeking support & advice to improve the wellbeing and
educational outcomes for our
children and young people at this
difficult time.

Monday – Friday: 9.00am to 3.30pm
Call: 01506 283130 to leave a message with your details (name, number, school etc.) and one of the  psychologists will
call you back. Or, you can  e-mail :

Corona virus – helpful resources can also be found on the Educational Psychology  webpage:


Primary 2 – It’s Friday!

Good morning boys and girls, another week of home learning is almost complete. This morning I would like you to practice your number bonds to 10. Complete the activity below in your jotter.


Worksheet: Number Bonds (Numbers to 10)



If you managed this, try the task below in your jotter for an extra challenge!

Idea 263: FREE Differentiated Number Bonds to 20 Challenge Sheets ...



Read a book that you have at home with a member of your family. Try to answer these questions about the book you have just read.

  1. Who was your favourite character and why?
  2. Where did the story take place? How do you know?
  3. When did the story take place? What tells you this?
  4. How did the book begin?
  5. What is the book about?
  6. What was your favourite part of the story and why?

In your jotter, draw three different things that happening in your story (events). Try to write a sentence to describe your pictures. Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Have a lovely weekend. Remember to stay safe at home and to wear sun cream if the weather stays sunny. Enjoy and speak to you on Monday. Mrs Reid!

Primary 2

Good afternoon everyone! Here are some activities for this afternoon


This afternoon can you create a picture of some spring flowers? You can use anything you have at home – pens, crayons, paint, twigs/leaves from the garden. Make sure you make the petals, the stem and the leaves for your flowers.

11 Best Flowers to Plant for Spring - When to Plant Daffodils ...



Go on a walk with your family and see if you can see any spring flowers. Try to look for any other signs of spring as you walk. Think about what you can see/hear and smell. Here is a checklist to try and find when you are walking

  1. Blossom
  2. Flower buds
  3. Daffodils
  4. Birds
  5. Nest
  6. Flower
  7. Insect
  8. Lamb
  9. Green leaves
  10. Any other signs of spring


Once you have completed your walk, draw all the Spring things that you saw in your jotter and label them. Colour your pictures too. Enjoy!

66+ Spring Flowers Bor... Free Clip Art Spring | ClipartLook

Primary 3 Activities

Good Afternoon

I hope you enjoyed this mornings activities.  This afternoon I would like you to watch a video clip about arrays.


Ask an adult to test you on your 2 times table.  Ask them to time you and see if you can get faster.

Mr McCrudden has challenged you to make a seat.   You need to find 4 tubes /tins/cans/pringles/toilet rolls for the legs and then something to sit on across the top.

Mrs Docherty

P2 – Thursday 23rd April

Good morning everyone. Hope you are enjoying the lovely weather this week. Remember to put on sun cream and a hat when you are outside in the sun.


This morning log onto Sumdog and complete the Maths challenge that I have set for you. I will log on and see how you are getting on. Good Luck!

Remember to continue practice counting in 2s/5s/10s starting from different numbers on the 100 square. Trying counting forwards and backwards.

100 square and number line | Teaching Resources

Try up to 1000 and beyond if you can. Ask an adult to challenge you if possible. Keep working hard.



Continue to practice your tricky words on your word wall with a adult everyday. Try to spell the words on your word wall to. Make your words with playdoh/pasta/sand/pen/chalk outside etc.


We were learning about rhyming words. Watch these videos to remind you of some rhyming words. You can keep fit while you watch it


Now try to write in your jotter as many words that rhyme with

  1. dog
  2. cat
  3. bin

Try to think of words which have 4/5 letters that rhyme with these words too. Remember if words rhyme – the end of the words sound the same. Good Luck!

Primary 2 -Afternoon

Your Health and  Wellbeing task for this afternoon is to take a meal you have had this week and separate the meal into the Eatwell Guide categories. In your jotter, draw the plate and then draw the ingredients used to make the meal into the correct food groups.

For example, I had Macaroni Cheese last night for my dinner. So if I separate the ingredients, it will look like this:

Pasta – carbohydrates

Cheese – dairy

Milk – dairy

Onion – fruit and vegetables

Tomato – fruit and vegetables

Garlic Bread – carbohydrates

Sunflower Oil – oil and spreads


A fun game to play! Starting from the first letter of the alphabet, name of a food beginning with the letter A. The next person then has to name a food with the letter B and so on. You can have as many players as you like!