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Primary 2 – Good afternoon

Hi everyone. Hope you got on well with your alphabet challenge from this morning. Remember you can contact us on this email address – send your photos, comments etc to


This afternoon log onto Sumdog and complete the challenge set for you. I will log on and see how you are getting on.


We have been learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. Watch this video about counting in fives and join in.

Challenge – try to complete the activity below in your jotter

1st Grade Math Worksheets Counting by 1s 5s and 10s

Primary 2

Good morning everyone. Here is the home learning grid for the next few weeks. You can choose tasks to complete. Please email us any photos of your work, any comments or any questions you have. Thank you to the parents who have emailed photos so far, we would love to see more, or just hear from you. We would love to hear from more parents/pupils so please email us using the email address below.


home learning grid 3


Primary 2

Hi boys and girls. Hope you are all staying safe at home. Here are a few activities for this morning!


Remind yourself of the capital letters and their names by singing the alphabet song. Watch this video on how to form the capital letters A-Z.

Practice writing the capital letters in different ways – in your jotter/on the ground with chalk/using paint with your finger etc. Make sure you start and finish in the correct place.

Our names begin with a capital letter. Try to think of a boys and a girls name for each letter of the alphabet – your family can join in and help too. Write your list of names in your jotter from A-Z. Good Luck!


Remember to continue to practice your tricky words from your word walls with an adult, as much as possible.

Remember to send any photos of your work or send any comments to


It would be great to hear from you. Mrs Reid!




Primary 2 – Afternoon

How did you get on this morning? Leave a comment on this blog or email us at .

What a lovely day it is today! Have a look around outside, how many similes can you come up with. Remember, a simile is when you compare two different things by saying one is ‘like’ or ‘as’ something else.  For example:

The clouds are as fluffy as candy floss.

I have compared the clouds to candy floss.

Another example: The sequins on my t-shirt are like sparkling diamonds.

How many can you come up with?

Outside Bingo – Explore your surroundings or when you go for a daily walk, look out for these things on the list. Even try and find the impossible!


Spelling – Pick 5 words from your word wall that you don’t know very well.  Try writing them in something messy like flour, foam, mud etc.

Enjoy the sunshine!


Primary 2 – Morning

Good Morning P2! I hope you had a lovely couple of days off!

Mrs Reid and I would love to hear from you. We would love to hear about the work you are doing and even see some pictures! We have a Primary 2 email which you can use to send us your pictures and tell us how you are doing:

We look forward to hearing from you.

Can you exercise for 30 mins? Can you feel your heart beating faster? Follow Joe Wicks on You Tube:

or if you want something  a bit more relaxing, here is Cosmic Yoga for you to try:


For Literacy today, we are going to look at similes. Watch this video:

Here is a picture of a bear. What can you compare the bear and features of the bear LIKE or AS to? Can you think of at least three similes and write them down?  Will you be AS busy AS bee in this task?


P1 Literacy

Good morning everyone,

Hope everyone had a lovely long weekend. We hope you are all safe, well and happy.

For Literacy this morning we would like you to look at your word walls. You are just to read the words, if you are sounding them out you need to keep practising.

With the words on your word walls that you are finding tricky to remember we would like you make a game. Here is an example,

Add the words that you are finding tricky and play with someone in your house.

Here are some other fun ways of remembering those tricky words,

  • Write your words on bits of paper. Get someone in your house to call them out. Either slap your hand down or use a toy to find the word.

  • Write your words in chalk on the pavement outside. Ask someone in your house to call out a word and jump on the word.

  • Write your words on two different coloured bits of card. Turn the card over and play a memory game or try to match the words and read them out loud.

You don’t need to use the words in the examples. Use the words that you are finding tricky.


**** NEWS ****


Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia have an exciting challenge for you to take part in. Pop back later to see your teachers explaining the challenge …


Primary 2 – Friday 1st May

Good morning boys and girls – it’s May! How did that happen so quickly? Hope everyone is well. I can’t believe it’s Friday again! This morning here are a few tasks for you to try.


Watch this video to remind you about addition! It’s been a while now since we’ve done it together.


Use the grid below. See if you can write a sum for each of the answers. Eg. the first number is 9 so the sum could be 8+1 or 4+5 or 6+3. Try to write sums for a whole line – choose a line across, up and down or diagonal. You decide. Do as many lines as you can. There is a trickier one underneath for a challenge. Good luck!

Number Preschool Printables - Preschool Mom

Free! Bingo Game Numbers 1-20 | Numbers preschool, Free printable ...



Handwriting – in your jotter write a list of all the lowercase (small) letters from a-z. Write the upper case (capital) letter next to each one! Here is a picture to help you.

Alphabet picture mat - uppercase with lowercase | Alphabet ...

I hope you have a lovely weekend. No home school now until Wednesday due to the holiday weekend so I will speak to you next week. Stay stay with your family. Mrs Reid!

Primary 2 – Thursday afternoon

Good afternoon everyone. Here is an activity to keep you fit this afternoon. Try and get all the family to join in

Image preview


On Tuesday  you were asked to go a walk to see how many different types of houses you could see around your local area. Try to build a few different types of house using any materials you have. You can make your houses from lego, wooden blocks, play-doh, using minecraft etc. Take photos of your houses and email them to
Remember to mention it’s from P2 so I receive your message. Have fun, Mrs Reid!

LEGO h o u s e #lego #howto #house #simple #legos #legohouse #stop ...

Primary 2 – Thursday 30th April

Good morning boys and girls. Hope you are all staying safe with your family.


Here are a few tasks for you to complete this morning.

Practice your tricky words on your word wall. Read them to someone in your family. How many can you read?

Log onto Sumdog using your password in your jotter. I have set a spelling challenge for you to complete. I will log on and see how you get on. Good luck!

Sumdog (@sumdog) | Twitter


We learned about tally marks last term. Can you create a survey to complete with your family using tally marks. You can choose what you want to ask them. Ask the people in your home. If you can – ask your grandparents/aunties/uncles/cousins/friends using FaceTime, text message or on the phone etc. Here are a few suggestions for your survey

  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What is your favourite food?
  3. What is your favourite animal?
  4. What is your favourite football team?

Here is an example based on favourite pets to help you create your own. Draw it in your jotter.

Grade 2: Graphing Data: Overview


Primary 2 – Afternoon

Did you have a busy morning? Leave a comment so I know how you got on.

These pictures were created by using hand prints. Have a go at creating an animal using your hand print, how many animals can you create?

If you do no have paint, there is a recipe below, or why not trace round your hand and colour in!