Category Archives: Primary 2

Primary 2 – Afternoon

How did you get on this morning? Leave a comment on this blog or email us at .

What a lovely day it is today! Have a look around outside, how many similes can you come up with. Remember, a simile is when you compare two different things by saying one is ‘like’ or ‘as’ something else.  For example:

The clouds are as fluffy as candy floss.

I have compared the clouds to candy floss.

Another example: The sequins on my t-shirt are like sparkling diamonds.

How many can you come up with?

Outside Bingo – Explore your surroundings or when you go for a daily walk, look out for these things on the list. Even try and find the impossible!


Spelling – Pick 5 words from your word wall that you don’t know very well.  Try writing them in something messy like flour, foam, mud etc.

Enjoy the sunshine!


Primary 2 – Morning

Good Morning P2! I hope you had a lovely couple of days off!

Mrs Reid and I would love to hear from you. We would love to hear about the work you are doing and even see some pictures! We have a Primary 2 email which you can use to send us your pictures and tell us how you are doing:

We look forward to hearing from you.

Can you exercise for 30 mins? Can you feel your heart beating faster? Follow Joe Wicks on You Tube:

or if you want something  a bit more relaxing, here is Cosmic Yoga for you to try:


For Literacy today, we are going to look at similes. Watch this video:

Here is a picture of a bear. What can you compare the bear and features of the bear LIKE or AS to? Can you think of at least three similes and write them down?  Will you be AS busy AS bee in this task?


Primary 2 – Maths and PE

Hi everyone. Hope you have all had a good morning. Here are a few tasks for this afternoon.


Continue to practice your number bonds to 10/20, as we were doing last week. Try to write down as many sums you can can that makes 10/20 in your jotter. Here is a number bonds to 10 video to help you



Here is a number bonds to 20 video to help you




Last week we were trying to balance using different parts of our body. Today, we are going to do some travelling. Can you try to travel from one side of your living room or your garden to the other using different parts of your body. Can you travel across only using your

  1. feet (run, walk, hop, skip, jump/gallop etc)
  2. knees only
  3. 2 hands and 2 feet on the ground
  4. rolling (log roll/forward roll)
  5. bottom and feet only
  6. stomach and hands only
  7. 2 hands and 2 knees only
  8. Any other way you can think of to travel

Try to get your family to join in with you. You can try and race each other to see who is the fastest.

Gymnastics Clipart Gymnastic - Gymnasts Clipart Png Transparent ...Gymnastics Clipart Galore - Boy Gymnastics Clip Art, HD Png ...

Primary 2 – Monday 27th April

Good morning boys and girls. I hope you have had a lovely weekend in the sun.

Free Free Sun Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ...

This morning for Literacy, can you write about your weekend? Write your news about the sunny weather. I spent the weekend in my garden painting my fence. What did you do? Remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Try to sound out any words you are not sure of or use your word wall to help you if you can. Mrs Reid!


Mrs Grenfell has some RME and French activities for you to complete this morning too. Here they are…

RME – Shabbat

Last week – you compared Shabbat to your own celebrations.

Today – design a meal for a Jewish person to eat when they celebrate Shabbat. If you need to re-watch the clip, the link is below:



You have learned to count to twenty in French. Practice counting at home.

Use the link below to help you, if you need to:

P1, P2 and P3 window challenge

Afternoon boys and girls,

When out on our permitted daily exercise we have noticed all of your lovely rainbows and teddy bears. Some of you have made other things for your windows for other children to spot. So we would like to set you all a challenge.

Each week we would like you to decorate your window with some of your lovely artwork using a different theme. This weeks theme is …



Can you draw pictures of rapunzel or Goldilocks and the 3 bears for your window? What about Jack in the Beanstalk or the 3 Little Pigs.

Stick them in your window along with your rainbows for all the children and adults to spot when they go on their permitted daily walk.

Can’t wait to see them!

Mrs Melia, Miss Beaton, Mrs Reid, Mrs Bashir, Mrs Docherty and Mrs Harding 🙂