Category Archives: Primary 3

Primary 3 Activities

Good afternoon


I would like you to complete the activities from BBC Bitesize by clicking the link below.  Please watch the video and complete the activities.  Then try to complete some questions  on the Sumdog Challenge.


This weeks challenge is the Paper Helicopter Challenge.
The science is all about forces with the paper helicopter being pulled down by gravity and that the fall is being slowed by the wind resistance.
However it also emphasises – Fair Testing when you do this activity. It is really important that you –  drop them from the same height and at the same time to make sure that the race is fair.
Mr McCrudden

Daily Daft

Mrs Docherty

Primary 3 Activities

Good morning

Time to wake up with some yoga!



I would like you to write a story using  Roll a Story to help you plan the characters, setting, emotions, props and problem.  When writing your story please remember to use capital letters and full stops.  I would like you to use adjectives to describe the characters and setting.  Once you have written your story please read it over. It would lovely to read your stories, you can send them to the class email.


Mrs Docherty

Primary 3 Activities

Good afternoon


Please choose one of the Number Talks tasks below.  Then I would like you to go on Sumdog and try to answer a few questions on the Maths Challenge.




Today I would like you to think about the animals you would find on a farm.  I would like you to choose a farm animal and research facts about them and record your findings in your jotter.  Click on the link below to see how you may wish to set out your facts and the headings you can use.

farm animal fact sheet

Please send your animal facts to the class email

Daily DafthNpDT9aoyzVUttps://


Mrs Docherty

Primary 3 Activities

Good morning

Time to start our day with some exercise from Kidzbop.


I would like you to read the text below then write the answers to the questions in your jotter.  Then it is your turn, I would you to write about the things you like.

Please remember we enjoy seeing your work,  you can send your work to the class email.

Mrs Docherty

Primary 3 – 26/05/2020 PM

Good afternoon everyone!

Music –  from Mrs Keenan

Watch the following video about machines;

How many jobs can be done with the tractor?

This video shows you machines that can go on a tractor.



My 8 year old nephew suggested the boys and girls in my class might like to do a quiz, so here we go!  No cheating please! Write your answers down in your jotter or on a piece of paper. You could try it with your family and see who gets the most right answers 🙂  If you need the answers, email me and I will tell you ! Let me know how you all get on! (Thank you for the idea Andrew 🙂 )

  1. What 3 colours make up the French flag?
  2. Which fairytale character slept for 100 years?
  3. What language is spoken in Australia?
  4. What sort of animal is the video game character Sonic?
  5. What is a baby cow called?
  6. What is the name of the snowman in Frozen?
  7. How many days are there in June?
  8. What do tadpoles turn into?
  9. What colour is a giraffe’s tongue?
  10. Where is the smallest bone in the human body?

Have fun!

Mrs Harding

Primary 3 – 26/05/2020 AM

Good morning everyone!

I know some of you enjoyed the Go Noodle video yesterday morning so here is another one to wake you up!

Maths – 3D Shape

We have been revising 2D shape recently and today we will move on to 3D shape.  That is three dimensional shape, or solid shapes.  Solid shapes can be described using the words; face, edge and vertex (vertices if more than one).

Watch this video to remind yourself.  (There is also some information on the webpage if you need it.)

Then log in to Education City ( where I have created some work for you on 3D shape.  (P3 Maths – 3D Shape)  Start with Solid Shapes (a learn screen) then move on to the other games.

Literacy – Grammar

You have done lots of work on adjectives (describing words).   Today we will be practising opposite adjectives.

Copy and complete the adjectives so each one is matched with it’s opposite.

Now have a go at coming up with some of your own opposite adjectives for these words:

  • cold
  • loud
  • wet
  • tight
  • old

Remember our email address is:

It has been so nice hearing from lots of you and seeing some of your work 🙂

Mrs Harding

Primary 3 – 25/05/20 PM

Good afternoon everyone!


I would like you to create your own character and tell me about them using French vocabulary.  You could design a monster, a superhero, a person – it is up to you.  Copy and complete these sentences accurately to describe your character:

Je m’appelle………….              /   My name is……

J’ai …………   ans.                     /  I am ………… years old.

J’ai les yeux ………………….. / I have ………… eyes.

Possible eye colours are:

noirs   – black

verts – green

bleus – blue

marron – brown

gris – grey

Here is my example:

Topic – Food and Farming

Our topic this term was supposed to be Farming so we thought we would include some blog activities based on this topic.

This afternoon, take a full page in your jotter and draw a picture of a farm.  Include as much detail as you can to show us what you know about already.  You could even add labels or little notes on your drawing to give more information.

It would be great if parents/carers could email the pictures to us, at:

Thank you!

Mrs Harding

Primary 3 – 25/05/20 AM

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend despite the stormy weather 🙂

To wake you all up this morning, try dancing along with this Go Noodle video:


In class we have learned about ‘magic e’ for spelling and reading.  (The e at the end makes the first vowel sound strong – we hear the letter name rather than the sound.)

Watch this video to remind yourself:

  1. In your blue jotter I would like you to write down the 5 vowel sounds at the top. (a e i o u)
  2. Next write some 3 letter words that use each of the vowels as their middle sound.  For example:






3. Can you add magic e to the words you have chosen?  Some will make real words, others silly words! Write down the ones that make real words.  For example:

hat ——>  hate

sit ——-> site

tub ——–> tube

Repeat this until you have made a few magic e words successfully.

4. Use your words to practise writing sentences, remembering full stops and capital letters.

(Some children may find step 3 challenging, so focus instead on steps 1, 2 and 4.)

Maths – 2D Shape

Revise the properties of the shapes below by playing the game here:

If you continue through the levels in the game you will also revise 3D shapes which will be our focus tomorrow.

If you have difficulty accessing the above game, try this instead:


As always, any questions or work please email us at:

Mrs Harding

Primary 3 Activities

Good morning

During lockdown my family have been watching all the Star Wars movies so I thought it would be fun to try out some Star Wars yoga.


Over the past few weeks we have been doing a variety of themed scavenger hunts, today I would like you to create your own scavenger hunt for a family member.  You could also send it to the class email and I could try to complete it with my family over the weekend.

Heath and Wellbeing

Write a list of 10 things that make you happy  and share it with someone at home.

Hope you have a lovely weekend and stay safe.

Mrs Docherty