Category Archives: Primary 3

Primary 3

Good Morning Primary 3 🙂

To set yourself up for the day, why don’t you try some yoga? Cosmic Kids is a good website for this.


Before completing the task on your Home Learning Grid that asks you to complete a family survey and present your findings as a graph, have a go at some of these activities.

1. Fruitfall Pictograph Game

Fruit Fall

2. Bar Charts Game

3. Log-in to Sumdog and find the challenge I have set for you called Information Handling. Remember you will find your login details inside your blue jotter. See how many answers you can get right! (Remember that myself and Mrs Docherty can see how well you are doing 😉 )


Please log-in to (details are found in the front of your blue jotter) where you will see I have set you some Literacy challenges.

If you are having problems accessing Education City, then try watching the videos in this link:

I would like you to practise using commas when you are writing a list. Think of 4 things you need to paint a picture and write them in a sentence using correct punctuation.
e.g. You will need ……… , …………., ……….. and a ………..
Try to write some other sentences with lists. (what you will buy at the shop, what you got for your birthday etc)

Please remember to let me know how you get on – comment here or send photos to the school email address, mark it P3.

Mrs Harding 🙂

Primary 3

Good afternoon 🙂

I hope you have all managed to complete some tasks this morning. Remember to let me know by commenting!

Here are some ideas for this afternoon:


1. Practise some French that we have already learned in school, for example:
Comment tu t’appelles? Je m’appelle …. Ca va? Ca va / ca va bien / ca ne va pas
You could even record yourself using a tablet or phone!

2. Watch the video clip in the link below and learn what school (normally!) is like for pupils in France. Practise speaking French by copying the parrot.

3. Think about what is the same as school in Scotland and what is different. (Think about a normal day, not when we are learning at home!). In your blue jotter write down the things that are the same and those that different between French and Scottish school. See my example below of how to lay it out —>

Monday 30th March 2020
School in France



Bonne chance!
Madame Harding 🙂

Primary 3

Good Morning everyone!

I hope you have all had a relaxing weekend. This week you can continue working through the Home Learning Grid – you will receive a new grid after the Easter holidays. As always, if you have any questions please ask and I really enjoy seeing comments of what you have been up to 🙂


1. See if you can remember the Vowel House story and tell an adult in your house. Remember to tell them each sound and do the actions!
2. Pick a sound and write as many words as you can that have that sound in it. (Use your blue jotter for this – remembering the date and title ‘Vowel House’.) Repeat for as many sounds as you like.


Monday 30th March 2020
Vowel House

Don’t forget, you can hear David Walliams telling a story at 11am. Here is the link for today’s story:

Mrs Harding

P3 Literacy/Science

Tricky Words

Now it’s time to have fun with our tricky words.  Write your words on pieces of paper/card and create your own game of BANG.  You will also need to write the word BANG several times.  Turn the words over so you can’t see them.  With a family member take it in turns to turn over a word and read it out.  If you read it correctly then you keep the word.  If you pick a BANG card you will need to return all your cards.  The person with the most words is the winner.  Good luck!

Sentence Time!

Choose 5 of your tricky words and write a sentence for each.  Underline your tricky words. Remember to check your sentences for capital letters and full stops.  It would be lovely to read your sentences so please post them in the comments.

Reading Challenge

Read to a teddy or stuffed animal.

Mr McCrudden challenges you to build a tower.
You can use lego, books or anything that comes to hand. Two things to think about –
1) Safety –  make sure that you are a safe, an adult to hand is a good idea if you are thinking of going large.
2) Share a photo with your class of your tower. If you want to take the challenge further you can research the Burj Khalifa.


Primary 3 Basic Moves

During Basic Moves at PE we focused on over and under arm throwing.  Can you practice your over and under arm throwing at a target.  Your challenge is then to research and list as many ball games as possible where you need need to have good throwing skills.  It would be great if you could post your list.   Who can create the longest list?  Then choose one of the sports from your list and create a poster to promote it.

Remember to check that it is safe to throw!

Mrs Docherty

P3 Numeracy

Good Afternoon

I hope you have enjoyed keeping active this morning.  Here are  a few songs to help you practice your 2 times table and doubles.  Then ask an adult to test you.  You can also log onto Sumdog and try to complete the Money Challenge.   Mrs Harding has also set you literacy tasks on Education City.

Happy Singing!

Mrs Docherty

Primary 3 Keeping Active

Good Morning

I hope you are enjoying working out with Joe Wicks.  Here are a few other ways you can keep active.

For all you Strictly Come Dancing fans why not try learning a new dance with Oti.

Here are a few daily resources to help you plan your day.  Please remember that you also have activities on your learning grid to complete.