Category Archives: Primary 1

Primary 1

Good Morning Primary 1.

I hope your first day of home learning was enjoyable. It was great to see so many of you on SUMDOG. Miss Beaton also received an email to say a certain someone was working super hard on teach your monster to read! Well done!

This morning can you think of words that have oa and ai in them. Can you draw a picture and write a sentence to match. Remember to include capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Try to remember to form all your letters the correct way so that they are super neat.

Leave Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia a comment with the words you have chosen!

Have a lovely morning.





Primary 1

Hi Primary 1,

Hope you have a lovely morning, and have kept yourself busy with your different tasks. It was lovely to see you joining us on SUMDOG.

This afternoon can you go onto youtube and listen to the alphabet song.

Practise saying the alphabet, once you are confident saying it forwards can you practise saying it backwards starting at z?


Here is the link to the alphabet song.

Enjoy and sing away!

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


Primary 1

Good morning boys and girls,

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are safe and well and ready for a new day of learning.

In your Red folder, you will find your blue jotter with your login details for numerous educational websites.

Attached is the learning grid where you can find lots of ideas for you to try at home.

Ask an adult to help you log in to your tablet or ipad and have a go at playing some maths games on SUMDOG. Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia will log into SUMDOG to see how well you are doing answering your questions.

If you missed Joe Wicks this morning here is the link to catch up with him now.

Have a lovely day, if you have any questions please comment and we will try to help.

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia





home learning grid