Category Archives: Home Learning

Primary 3 – 22/06/20 AM

Good morning everyone!

As this is our last week in Primary 3 before the summer holidays, Mrs Docherty and I have planned a bit of a different week of activities.  This week, we are all going on a trip to Disney World!!! We will be learning about Maths, Literacy, Health and IDL through Disney-themed activities 🙂 (You have Mrs Docherty to thank for the fun ideas!)

First stop – Health and Wellbeing

Get moving with a Moana-inspired workout adventure!

Second stop – Literacy

Create a passport that you can use during your trip to Disney World! Remember to include a front cover, your name, a picture of yourself and lots of space for characters names.  (Fold a piece of paper in half to make a mini booklet.)

Each time you see a character this week in a ride, video or song, write their name in your passport! How many characters will you meet by the end of the week?

Third stop – Maths and Numeracy

To go on each ride, you must be taller than the items listed.  For each ride, first estimate if you think you are tall enough to ride.  Then measure using the objects listed.  Keep a note of your answers in your jotter.

Ride 1 —> 6 pieces of cutlery

Ride 2 —> 6 of your own shoes/socks

Ride 3 —> 3 books

Ride 4 —> 15 blades of grass

If you have a measuring tape at home you could measure how tall you are.  Can you find 3 things that are taller and 3 things that are shorter than you? Measure the height of each object.

Have a break at lunch time as we will be continuing our adventure afterwards!

Remember our email address is:

Mrs Harding

Primary 3 Activities 19.6.20

Good morning

Lets warm up with some exercises!


Today is free writing Friday I would like you to write a story of your choice.  Remember to check for capital letters and full stops.  How many describing and joining words can you use?

Health and wellbeing

Rainbow meditation

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hands by your sides. Breathe in and sweep your arms up above your head in an arc. Breathe out and lower your arms, picturing them painting the red arc of a rainbow. With each breath in and out, add a new colour to your beautiful rainbow. When your rainbow is finished open your eyes.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Docherty


Primary 3 Activities 18.6.20

Good afternoon


Today I would like you to try and complete the challenges on BBC Bitesize. Good Luck!


Trick your mind and Body
Hello Everyone – Here are a few tricks you can play on the people at home. Watch the video and choose a couple of the activities. You don’t need to do them all but you should try at least two.
The science behind the activities is called proprioception and is all about your awareness of your own body. In the tasks what we do is try to trick your body and confuse it. This is done by taking away one or more of your senses and it shows you how much you need your senses to understand the world. Please email a picture of you doing one of the activities and tell us how it felt. Good Luck!
Mr McCrudden

Food and Farming

I hope you enjoyed learning about life cycles, today we are going to learn about the life cycle of a chicken.  Please look at the power point below.

Chicken Life Cycle PowerPoint

Your challenge is to show me the life cycle of a chicken using a diagram, you may wish to use the example below,

Mrs Docherty

Primary 3 Activities 18.06.20

Good morning

I hope you enjoyed Zumba yesterday as we are going to give it a try again this morning.


I hope you enjoyed the Story The Highway Rat, today we are going to listen to the story Zog and then I would like you to complete the tasks below.


What skills must Zog learn at dragon school? Write a list of these skills, titled ‘How to become a dragon…’

In the story, the princess dreams of being something else when she grows up. Can you write a dream for yourself for when you grow up? What do you want to be, and why?

Imagine you were flying on the back of Zog. What would you see whilst you were up in the air, and where would you choose to go? Imagine you have arrived at your chosen destination after Zog has flown you there. Can you write a postcard from that place to the people back at home?

Mrs Docherty