Category Archives: Home Learning

Primary 1 – Maths

Good morning Primary 1.

Last post of the day! We can’t believe it is already Friday. It has been a strange week not seeing all your smiley faces, but it has been lovely setting you challenges. It is nice receiving pictures of what you have been doing and reading your comments on the blog. Please continue to do this as it makes Mrs Melia and I smile!

Last job for the day – we would like you to practice telling the time. Last week we were learning about o’clock. Can you tell someone at home where the big hand needs to point when it is o’clock?

Try this game at home to practise telling the time

I have also set you a challenge on Education City to complete the o’clock times.

Happy Friday everyone! Hope you have a lovely weekend. We will see you here again on Monday at 9.30!

Stay safe

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


Good Morning Primary 1,

We hope you have had a good week and kept safe. On a Friday we would normally do Jigsaw for our Health and Wellbeing. We have been learning about how to keep our bodies and minds healthy and how to stay safe. Do you remember the ‘If your healthy and you know it’ song? Can you sing it to someone in your house with the actions. Here is a wee reminder:

(To the tune of ‘if your happy and you know it’)

If your healthy and you know it, wash your hands, wash, wash

If your healthy and you know it, wash your hands, wash, wash

If your healthy and you know it, and you really want to show it, if your healthy and you know it wash your hands.

Other verses include ‘eat some fruit, munch, munch’, ‘drink some water, glug, glug’, ‘walk to school, march, march’, ‘ get some sleep, snore, snore’. Remember the actions!

In your blue jotter we would like you to draw a picture of you keeping healthy and happy. Underneath you can write what you do to keep healthy and happy, for example

I am doing PE with Joe. I am eating an apple. I am washing my hands. 

Remember to add lots of detail to your picture. Draw where you are keeping healthy and happy, who is with you and what you are doing. When you are writing try to sound out your words.

Come back at about 10:30 to see your next blog.

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


P1 Afternoon


Hope you are all staying safe and well.

For maths this afternoon we are still looking at addition. Here is a wee starter to get your brain going.

Keep practising your addition and subtraction facts to 5.

In your maths book please do p.3 The Story of 7.

You could also play Hit the Button on Top marks. Click on the link to take you there.

Hit the button

Or keep playing the Sumdog challenge.

For Science, build a tower. You can use anything you would like to build it. In class you have made towers using different patterns of wooden bricks. Make sure you ask before you start building with things. You could use lego, books, boxes, anything that comes to hand. If you are going to build your tower really tall make sure you are thinking about how to keep yourself and everyone else safe as it may fall. An adult to hand is a good idea if you are thinking of going large. You can share pictures of your towers by emailing them to the school email address in your title put P1 and then we can share some of your creations.

Keep washing your hands

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

Primary 1 – Literacy

Good morning Primary 1.

Remember to join in with Joe Wicks this morning to keep you fit and healthy. Can you describe how you feel once you have exercised? Does it make you feel energised?

Unfortunately you are unable to post pictures when commenting back but please if you have any pictures or pictures of your work send it to

Please put the subject of the email as Primary 1 so it can be quickly identified and we will post it on the blog for you to share your fantastic work. We can not wait to see what you have been doing!

Today we would like you to write an information report using the information you found out about the library.

Click the upload below if you would like to use the sound mat to help you with your writing.


Remember you need

  • a title
  • 2 or 3 sentences which tell the reader about what you can do at the library
  • capital letters, full stops and finger spaces
  • and a detailed picture

Image result for a library

Can you choose a book from your house , or go onto oxford e-owls and read a story to someone at home.

Have a lovely day

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia




Hope you have all had a lovely morning.

For Maths this afternoon we would like you to continue to practise you addition and subtraction facts to 5. Do you know them off by heart?

In your maths workbook complete page 2 Betty’s Cafe: The Story of 6. You have been working really hard in class with your addition and can do this with little support. Remember the box after the = is where you write how many there are altogether. You can use your fingers or anything else to help you answer the ‘Do the sums’ section.

Log into Sumdog, a challenge has been set for you to work on today. Good luck!


For our topic can find out about how the library helps us in our community. Do they only lend books or do they do other things?  Can you find out about three things that you can do in the Library?


See you back here tomorrow morning with some more activities. Keep using your home learning grids too.

Stay safe,

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton




Primary 1 – Literacy

Good morning primary 1,

Rememer you can comment on the blog posts, Mrs Melia and I are on throughout the day and happy to hear from you. We will post each day a literacy blog at 9.30am and then maths at 1pm. Within these blog posts there will be other fun activities to do too.

Please remember Joe Wicks has his youtube channel to join in with. This would give you a healthy start to your morning.

Today we would like you to please complete page one of your writing sentences booklet. Remember your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Remember all your letters should sit on the line and not be floating. Complete each sentence This is a ______. fill in the missing word using the picture and word provided.

Can you also practise blending your sounds to read the words by playing fishy phonics.

David Walliams will be sharing an audio story every day at 11am. Here is the link to listen to the story today.

Elevenses with The World of David Walliams

To keep yourself healthy Mrs Melia and I thought you could make yourself and your family a healthy snack at somepoint throughout the day. Post a picture or tell us in the comments what you make.

Image result for picture of a healthy snack

Have a lovely day and stay safe,


Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


P1 afternoon

Good afternoon P1,

Hope you have all had a nice morning.

This afternoon for maths we would like you to log in to Education City and play the two games set up in your classwork. If you are having problems logging on to Education City here are some other games on Top Marks you can play.

Addition to 10:–math0

Ladybird Spots


Also practise counting forwards and backwards within 100. Can you start at 14 or 7 or 21?

Stay safe,

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

Primary 1

Good Morning Primary 1.

I hope your first day of home learning was enjoyable. It was great to see so many of you on SUMDOG. Miss Beaton also received an email to say a certain someone was working super hard on teach your monster to read! Well done!

This morning can you think of words that have oa and ai in them. Can you draw a picture and write a sentence to match. Remember to include capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Try to remember to form all your letters the correct way so that they are super neat.

Leave Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia a comment with the words you have chosen!

Have a lovely morning.