Category Archives: Home Learning

Primary 1 Maths

Good Afternoon boys and girls.

I hope you are all well. Remember to leave us a comment to let us know how you are all getting on. Mrs Melia and I would love to hear from you. Remember you can email us your pictures too. Even send us a tweet!

This afternoon we would like you to do some counting backwards. Can you count backwards with the monkey and do the floss at the same time?


Why not try some subitizing with Jack Hartmann. How quickly can you say the numbers?


We are going to continue with 2D shapes today. Remember to complete your SUMDOG challenge. If you have done that and fancy something else why not try the shape monsters game on topmarks.

For our healthy eating why not listen to this book – Monsters don’t eat Broccoli.

What did the monsters want to eat?ย  Did you make a list of foods you like and don’t like. Remember it is important to eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day. What fruits and vegetables are your favourite? Which ones are you not so keen on? Are there any you would like to try.

Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


P1 Literacy and PE

Good Morning everyone,

Hope you and your families are all safe and well. For PE this morning why not try a bit of yoga.

For Literacy this morning we would like you to do a bit of writing in your blue jotter.

This is Ted. He is off on his daily walk. We would like you to write an imaginative story about Ted’s walk. Think about what he see’s, what he hears and how he is feeling.

First draw a picture of Ted in the blank space at the top of the page. In this picture show where Ted is walking:

Here are some ideas: is he on a rainbow hunt? Can you see the houses with rainbows in the windows in your picture? Can you see garderns and trees, a sun if it’s a sunny day?

Or is he walking in the woods? Can you see the trees and grass in your picture? Is the sun in the sky? Can you see any birds?

Remember add lots of detail in your drawings.

Now its time to write a sentence. Try to sound out and write the sentence yourself – but you may need help sounding out some of the words especially common words.

Here is a picture of our sound wall and vowel house from class that might help you.

An example of a sentence you might write is,

Ted is in the wood. He can see trees and birds.

You can write anything you want but remember your picture tells as much about your story as your sentence does.

Remember still read your word walls with someone in your house and there is a sumdog and Education city challenge for you too complete this week.

Have fun. Pop back this afternoon ๐Ÿ™‚

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


Primary 3 Literacy

Good Morning

I hope you had a lovely break and are enjoying being back to online learning.ย  Lets start the day off with a dance to get us wide awake and ready to learn.



Choose one of your favourite books, pick ten words from a page and see if you can put them in alphabetical order.ย  If ten is a bit tricky try with 5 words first.

Remember you can also complete tasks on the home learning grid and log onto Sumdog, IDL and Education City.

I would love to see the work you have been doing. You can send it to the school email.

Mrs Docherty

Primary 1 Maths/ Healthy eating.

Good afternoon Primary 1.

I hope you have had a nice busy morning.

For maths today, Why not exercise with Jack Hartmann and practise counting to 100. Remember to keep counting even when you are doing the exercise!

Today we are going to focus on 2D shapes. Have a look a this powerpoint to remind yourself of the shapes. We have looked at in class. Once you have done that I have set you a challenge on SUMDOG for you to practise your 2D shapes. Lets see how many you can remember.

2D Shapes PowerPoint Story


Health and Wellbeing – keeping healthy

Today for our keeping healthy topic we would like to you look at the eat well plate and discuss with someone in your house about how to have a balanced diet. What should you be eating more of? What should you be eating less of? Click the link below where you will find the eat well plate PowerPoint.

Healthy eating powerpoint


Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


Primary 3

Good afternoon everyone.

I hope you’ve all had a good morning doing some Maths and Literacy. This afternoon there are some Music and P.E. activities for you all.

As we are unable to attend the Multisports Festival today, I thought you could organise your own mini festival for people who live in your house! Choose a safe space and make plenty of room.

1)Think of 5 different sports activities and set up what you will need for each activity. Each activity should last for 1 minute. (e.g. star jumps, target throwing (ball into a hoop), running on the spot, standing long jump, football skills, plank, sit-ups)

2)Show everybody what to do at each station and when everyone is ready, time them for 1 minute using a watch, clock or phone.

3)Keep a note of how well people do at each station so you can find a winner!

4)Choose how to record your mini festival. For example you could use your blue jotter to write it down, draw a picture/diagram, or take a photo/video.

Mrs Keenan would like you to learn some songs about healthy eating:

Mrs Keenan would also like you to continue practising rhythm reading:

Have a fun afternoon!
Mrs Harding

P1 Tuesday Literacy, PE, Music

Morning everyone,

Hope you managed to get outside and enjoy the sun for a little yesterday. Did you manage PE with Joe yesterday?

This morning for PE, lets try something a bit different. You could workout with Joe or why not try a dance class with Oti. Here is her Shrek dance, it’s lots of fun.

For Music this morning, we are singing songs linked to our topic which is eating healthily. Here are some for you to watch.

Rhythm: Can you clap the syllables in some healthy food? How many claps is apple (2 claps) or banana (3 claps). Can you find a food with 4 claps?

For Literacy, keep doing you daily tasks and practise your tricky word wall. Pick two or three of the words you are finding a challenge to remember and get creative. Using whatever you have lying around to try make the word. Here are some I’ve made to give you some inspiration.

I used dried pasta, lego and cereal to make the words above. But you could use anything. If you don’t stick anything down then you can reuse your pasta or cereal like we do in class. Remember to take a picture in your head to remember the word for tomorrows word wall.

In your ‘writing sentences’ booklet in your pack complete p. 3.

There is also some games set in classwork on Education City. Why not have a go.

Pop back this afternoon for your new blog ๐Ÿ™‚

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


Primary 3

Good morning ๐Ÿ™‚

I hope everyone’s brain has woken up from the holiday by now and you are all managing to complete some activities at home.

Maths and Numeracy – Estimation

Yesterday we practised estimating how many objects, today we are going to practise estimating where a number goes on a number line. We have practised this in class so it should be familiar.

1) Have a go at this game (I have put 2 links as the bottom one is for tablets):

2) Using your whiteboard or blue jotter, draw a 0-100 number line like the one below and pick a number between 1 and 100. Estimate where this number will go by drawing a little line. Repeat for a few more numbers.

You can change the numbers at the start and end of your number line. If you found this too tricky, try a 0-20 number line and pick numbers between 1 and 20, for example. Or try a 10-20 number line and pick numbers between 10 and 20.

If you would like a challenge, make the number range even bigger, or try a 100-200 number line if you would like to practise 3 digit numbers, for example.

Literacy – Grammar

1) Watch this video about capital letters.

2) Please log in to and find a Grammar challenge called ‘Punctuation and Capital Letters.’ Remember all the types of punctuation we have learned so far and where we should use capital letters. (The start of a sentence, people’s names, place names, days and months…)

If you are unable to access Sumdog, try writing some sentences of your own in your blue jotter making sure you use punctuation and capital letters. ( . ? , ! )

As always, any questions please comment below ๐Ÿ™‚
Thank you,
Mrs Harding

P1, P2 and P3 window challenge

Afternoon boys and girls,

When out on our permitted daily exercise we have noticed all of your lovely rainbows and teddy bears. Some of you have made other things for your windows for other children to spot. So we would like to set you all a challenge.

Each week we would like you to decorate your window with some of your lovely artwork using a different theme. This weeks theme is …



Can you draw pictures of rapunzel or Goldilocks and the 3 bears for your window? What about Jack in the Beanstalk or the 3 Little Pigs.

Stick them in your window along with your rainbows for all the children and adults to spot when they go on their permitted daily walk.

Can’t wait to see them!

Mrs Melia, Miss Beaton, Mrs Reid, Mrs Bashir, Mrs Docherty and Mrs Harding ๐Ÿ™‚