Category Archives: Home Learning

Primary 1 Maths/ JIGSAW

Good morning boys and girls!

For maths today try some counting forwards

and backwards

Then can you ask a grown up to say a number within 10 and using your hands throw them the number. Here is an example throw the number 8. I have 8 fingers thrown and 2 hidden.

For JIGSAW today can you draw a picture for each different time of the day showing JIGSAW Jack how you keep clean and healthy. I have posted the different times throughout the day to draw pictures for. You can do this in your jotter or on a piece of paper if you like. What things do you do in the morning to keep clean and healthy? Examples of things you might draw are – brushing your teeth, getting washed, getting ready, brushing your hair, having your breakfast and going to school.

Have a lovely weekend boys and girls. Remember it is the holiday weekend so we will see you back here again on Wednesday morning at 9am.

Keep yourself safe

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

P1 Literacy

Good Morning everyone,

We are at the end of the week. Well done with all your learning this week.

Remember you can watch the BBC Bitesize TV program on BBC Scotland to help with all your learning. The Word Waves and Maths at the beginning of the program are great for P1. It starts at 9am on a week day.

For PE today, try to get active with your name. Find the letter in your name and do the PE task.

For Literacy, we would like you to pick a page in one of your handwriting booklets. You can choose.

On BBC Bitesize there is a short film called caterpillar letters. Pop on and watch it.

Caterpillar letters are the letters: c, f, g, a, q and o.

Firstly use your finger to practise forming each caterpillar letter in the air.
Once you’re confident forming the letters, try writing them on paper or in your jotter. See if you can write a whole row of each letter with a finger space in between. You could use different colour pencils if you like.

Then try drawing them all really big on a piece of paper and see if you can draw some caterpillars inside each letter.

Remember there are still games on Sumdog and Education City.

Pop on later for some more activities.

This is a long weekend with the May bank holiday and Inservice day on Tuesday, so pop back on Wednesday for more tasks.

Keep safe and keep washing your hands 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls.

We hope you managed to go for your daily hours exercise yesterday and find lots of different numbers on the way.

For maths remember to keep practising counting forwards and backwards each day.

Then can you practise saying the months of the year. Get someone at home to listen to you saying them. Get them to ask you what month comes after to see how well you know them! for example they might ask you what month is after May and you would say June.

Here are a couple of songs you might want to join in with to practise saying them first


Why not make yourself some play dough this afternoon. Once you have made the play dough you can practise making your numbers like the picture below.

Here is the play dough recipe for you.

8 tbsp flour (any kind)
2 tbsp salt
1 tbsp veg oil
60ml water
Mix it all together, then knead it together.
You can add food colouring or herbs or glitter. If you keep it in a sealed bag it will about a week. If it’s a bit wet add a bit more flour.

Primary 3 Activities

Good Afternoon

Here are a few subtraction activities for you to try.

Challenge/Skill level Website links
1.   Subtraction within 10
2. Subtraction within 20
3. Subtract 10 from a number

select 10 and click enter

4. Subtract a 1 digit number from a 2 digit number

select level 2

5. Subtract a tens number from a 2 digit number

you can do this by counting backwards in te off the decuple



Hello Everyone  – We have a fresh challenge for you this week! This week we are building a table. Now like last week you can build it anyway you want. If you want to make it with lego that is ok, or if you want to make a proper table with adult supervision that is ok too. It is your challenge and it is open to how you want to express it. However the way I would like you to make it, is with paper. I would like you to get 4 bits of paper and make 4 tubes to make the four legs. I would then like you to put a large thin material across the top of the four legs. Once you have your table start putting weight on the top. Books are good but you can use what ever you like to add weight.
So to make it clear – 4 bits of paper into tubes, something across the top of the table that is strong and light and thin (like a hard back book). Then add some weight. As an extension please take a photo and measure how much weight the table can hold. I wonder how much it can hold?
Mr McCrudden

Daily Daft

I hope you had fun with yesterdays Daily Daft, today you are going to get dizzy.  Be careful!


Mrs Docherty

P1 Literacy and Science

Good Morning everyone,

How did the story writing go yesterday? Remember to email us your stories to mark them as P1. We would love to see all your the things you have created.

For PE this morning we are back with Joe.

For Literacy, we would like you to do the next page on your sentence booklet. If you have been following the blog, it might be page 4. if you have been working away at it, just do the next page.

If you need a short brain break why not sing and move along with this song,

For Science, we have learned about materials and their properties. Watch this film from BBC Bitesize to remind you (start it at 3:09 for the science bit).

Then pop over to BBC Bitesize and investigate which materials we use.

On Education City we have added a materials game set in Granny’s House. Why not have a go.

Remember you can also watch BBC Bitesize on TV. Got to the BBC Scotland channel and watch from 9am. The Word Waves and maths at the beginning of the programme are good for P1. Enjoy.

Pop back this afternoon for more ideas 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton



Primary 3 Activities

Good Morning

Time to get moving with Jump Start Jonny.


Listening and Talking

Watch Newsround with an adult.  Try to take notes as you are watching.  Think about the important information you hear and write down key words.

Interview a member of your family.  Try to think of what you would like to know about them and write down or record your interview.

Mindfulness – Waves on the ocean

Lie down or sit on a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Put your hands on your tummy and close our eyes. Feel your hands moving up and down in time with your breathing. Pretend your hands are a ship rising and falling on the waves of the ocean.

Primary 1 Maths and Outdoor Learning

Good afternoon boys and girls.

I hope you are all well! Mrs Melia and I are missing seeing all your smiley faces!

For maths today we would like you to practise the days of the week. Practise saying them forwards, even try saying them backwards. Get an adult at home to tell you a day and you need to tell them the day after and the day before. You will have lots of fun!

Here is a video for you to sing along with to remind you of the days of the week.

Your going to get crafty this afternoon too! Today we would like you to collect natural materials from outside and make a picture (use twigs as a border). Here is an example. Once you have made your picture remember to send us it 🙂 We love to see your hard work!

Loose parts picture

Have a lovely afternoon boys and girls.

Speak to you tomorrow

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 3 Activities

Good Afternoon

Here are a few addition games for you to try.

Challenge/Skill level Website links
1.   Number bonds to 10
2.   Doubles Addition
3.   Addition to 20
4.   Add 10 more
5.   2 digit addition
6.   Addition to 100


select number bonds option then add to 100

Obstacle Course

This activity can be done indoors or outdoors using whatever you can find around the house or garden. Your challenge is to build an obstacle course!  Try to incorporate the skills we have been learning into your obstacle course – throwing, catching, jumping and kicking.

After a hard days work time to have some fun with this daily daft activity.

Mrs Docherty