All posts by Mrs Bashir

Primary 2 – Morning

Good Morning Primary 2!

Let’s start the day with Joe Wicks:

Literacy – Here are some words where the letters have been mixed up. Can you re-arrange the letters to spell the correct word?

  1. mfro
  2. ayd
  3. enbe
  4. kacb
  5. ynma
  6. neo
  7. ggnoi
  8. rea
  9. kolo
  10. eh
  11. hucm
  12. aws

We have been looking at similes. Remember, a simile is

Here is a link to a worksheet where you have to write your own simile. Here is an example for number 1:

I am as quick as a flash of lightning.

Write Your Own Similes

Maths – Addition to 20


Please let us know how you are getting on. You can email on


Primary 2 – Afternoon

How did you get on? Let us know by emailing us on

Some fun art to do. Remember, the honey comb cells where the bees deposit the honey are made in the shape of a hexagon. Can you make your own honey comb? You can use paper, cardboard, twigs of draw it. Here are some examples:

Try this fun exercise with someone! Carry out the instructions by spelling your name. Want a challenge? Keep going with you surname:

Primary 2 – Morning

Good morning Primary 2! I hope you are all well. Please let us know how you are getting on and you can post pictures as well to :

For Literacy, watch the following video about how bees make honey and then answer the questions below:


  • Why do bees make honey?
  • What is the main ingredient bees need to make honey?
  • Where can they find this ingredient?
  • Are worker bees male or female?
  • Where does the worker bee store this ingredient once it extracts it with its really long tongue?
  • How many times will a bee might have to visit a flower to fill itself up?
  • How does the ingredient gathered by a worker bee get thickened up into honey?
  • What does the last bee in the process do?
  • What shape is the wax honey comb in the bee hive? How many sides does this shape have?
  • Why do the bees create a wax lid over the honey comb cells?

Can you create a picture story board about how bees make honey? This is a series of pictures which goes through the process of how bees make honey step by step. Here is an animated video which may help:

Maths – Count backwards from 20

Count backwards from 100

Counting in 2’s

Counting in 10’s

Primary 2 – Afternoon

How did you get on this morning? Leave a comment on this blog or email us at .

What a lovely day it is today! Have a look around outside, how many similes can you come up with. Remember, a simile is when you compare two different things by saying one is ‘like’ or ‘as’ something else.  For example:

The clouds are as fluffy as candy floss.

I have compared the clouds to candy floss.

Another example: The sequins on my t-shirt are like sparkling diamonds.

How many can you come up with?

Outside Bingo – Explore your surroundings or when you go for a daily walk, look out for these things on the list. Even try and find the impossible!


Spelling – Pick 5 words from your word wall that you don’t know very well.  Try writing them in something messy like flour, foam, mud etc.

Enjoy the sunshine!


Primary 2 – Morning

Good Morning P2! I hope you had a lovely couple of days off!

Mrs Reid and I would love to hear from you. We would love to hear about the work you are doing and even see some pictures! We have a Primary 2 email which you can use to send us your pictures and tell us how you are doing:

We look forward to hearing from you.

Can you exercise for 30 mins? Can you feel your heart beating faster? Follow Joe Wicks on You Tube:

or if you want something  a bit more relaxing, here is Cosmic Yoga for you to try:


For Literacy today, we are going to look at similes. Watch this video:

Here is a picture of a bear. What can you compare the bear and features of the bear LIKE or AS to? Can you think of at least three similes and write them down?  Will you be AS busy AS bee in this task?


Primary 2 – Afternoon

Did you have a busy morning? Leave a comment so I know how you got on.

These pictures were created by using hand prints. Have a go at creating an animal using your hand print, how many animals can you create?

If you do no have paint, there is a recipe below, or why not trace round your hand and colour in!



Primary 2 – Morning

Good morning!

Here is a an Exercise Learning Log for the month of May. Fill in what you have been doing to keep fit. Have you been working out with Joe Wicks or dancing with Oti? Have you been helping out in the garden or going for a daily walk?


Literacy – Watch the following video on BBC Bitesize about using Speech Marks when someone is talking:

In the link below is a worksheet where you have to add in the Speech Marks. Re-write the sentences putting Speech Marks around the words to show when someone is talking.

For example: Liam asked Wesley, Do you want to come with us?

This would be: Liam asked Wesley, “Do you want to come with us?”

Add the Quotation Marks Worksheet

Here is  a song to help you remember when to use Speech Marks:

Primary 2 -Afternoon

Your Health and  Wellbeing task for this afternoon is to take a meal you have had this week and separate the meal into the Eatwell Guide categories. In your jotter, draw the plate and then draw the ingredients used to make the meal into the correct food groups.

For example, I had Macaroni Cheese last night for my dinner. So if I separate the ingredients, it will look like this:

Pasta – carbohydrates

Cheese – dairy

Milk – dairy

Onion – fruit and vegetables

Tomato – fruit and vegetables

Garlic Bread – carbohydrates

Sunflower Oil – oil and spreads


A fun game to play! Starting from the first letter of the alphabet, name of a food beginning with the letter A. The next person then has to name a food with the letter B and so on. You can have as many players as you like!