All posts by Mrs Reid

Primary 2

Good morning everyone. Hope you have enjoyed your first week of home learning and are working the through tasks set for you. Please leave comments to tell me how you are getting on and how you are doing. I will try to answer any questions you have.

This morning for literacy, look at the 4 pictures below. Can you write as many wow words as you can to describe these pictures. Think of words that describe how they would taste, feel to touch, the noise they would make, the colours etc. If you can – try to draw two pictures of your own choice in your jotter and write as many wow words around your pictures.  Keep working hard. Mrs Reid!

24 Best Chocolate Cake Recipes And How To Make Chocolate Cake ...


BBC Radio 4 - Radio 4 in Four - Eight fizzling facts about fireworks


Buy Baby Chicks


Building a Colourful Communications Strategy with ALE Rainbow - UC ...

Primary 2 – good afternoon!

Hi everyone. This afternoon try and see if you can make an eco  picture using recycled materials or materials from your garden. Be creative as you like. You might want to make a house, an animal, a robot… You can use leaves, sticks, mud, wrappers, foil etc. Leave a comment to tell me about your picture!


Image result for images eco


Also, this afternoon try to practice writing your first and second name. Try to do it without any help if you can. Practice reading your tricky words on your word wall. You can also try and write some of these words. Keep up the good work everyone! Stay safe, Mrs Reid

Primary 2

Good morning boys and girls. Hope you are all safe and well. If you want a change from Joe Wicks, go onto YouTube and search for Jump Start Jonny. He is also doing free fitness classes at 9am each morning and it’s lots of fun. Remember to drink lots of water. Mrs Reid

Primary 2

Good afternoon boys and girls. Hope you’ve had a good morning. Thank you for commenting on the blog. I would love to hear from more of you. Let me know what you have been doing today.
This afternoon I have set up some challenges on Sumdog for you and your Maths groups. You will have your Sumdog log in details in your jotter. Please log in and complete the Maths games. Comment on this post if you are joining in. I will be logged in to see how you are getting on. Have fun. Mrs Reid

Primary 2

Well done if you completed the Joe Wicks workout this morning. Great job!
This morning’s task is to practice saying the days of the week, months of the year and the four seasons. You can watch these video clips to help you. Try to put them in the correct order. Mrs Reid

Primary 2

Good morning boys and girls. Hope you are all keeping safe and working hard on your home learning activities. Don’t forget you can keep fit each morning this week at 9am with Joe Wicks on You Tube. Please leave a comment if you have joined in. Mrs Reid.

Primary 2

Good morning everyone. Hope you all had a lovely weekend. In your red folder you have a learning grid with lots of tasks to complete. You also have a few worksheets for Maths and can practice your handwriting in your workbooks. There is a link here to take you to the home learning grid. If you complete any tasks please take a photo of your work and post it in the comments box. I’m looking forward to seeing all your good work. If you have any questions please comment and I’ll try to help, Mrs Reid.

home learning