All posts by Miss Beaton

P1 Maths and IDL – healthy eating

Good afternoon boys and girls,

I hope you have managed to complete your tasks set this morning and that you have enjoyed getting back to your learning.

This afternoon for Maths we are going to look at symmetry. Can you tell someone at home what it means when something is symmetrical?

Remember its when the something  is the same on both sides.

Meet The Butterfly - Artemis - Medium

Today can you play this game on topmarks where you need to match up the pictures to make them symmetrical.

Can you find things in your house that are symmetrical?

Why not try to make your own symmetrical picture today? Make sure it is the same on both sides. You could make a face, a butterfly, a house or a flower.

Remember you can complete your SUMDOG challenge too!

For health and well-being we are going to be focusing on healthy eating. This afternoon can you listen to the three videos below on espresso. Remember your login details are in your blue jotter.


You can also play the little game where you need to sort the fruits into the correct category.

Once you have listened to the videos can you make a list in your jotter of your favourite and least favourite foods. This can be done with labelled drawings.

Have a lovely afternoon everyone 🙂

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia





Primary 1 – Easter Break

To finish of Friday why not try some baking.

Can you make some Easter crispy nest cakes

Easter nest cakes recipe :: crispy cakes recipe :: Easter cakes

Here is the link to the recipe


Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia wish you all a Happy Easter. It will be a bit different this year but we hope you all stay safe! Don’t eat too much chocolate! We look forward to hearing from you all after the holidays. We will be back here on Monday the 20th of April to share a new learning grid with you and share lots of learning ideas on the blog! Keep safe everyone!

A little song for you to join in with whilst washing your hands!

Primary 1 – Science

Mr McCrudden has set you a new science challenge –

This week you need to try to build a bridge. You can use anything you would like to build it. You could use lego, boxes, anything that comes to hand. This time rather than trying to get height you need to see if you can build your bridge to hold weight, choose something you want to go onto the bridge. See if your bridge is secure to hold the weight. You can share pictures of your bridge by emailing them to the school email address in your title put P1.

Primary 1 Literacy/P.E

Good morning boys and girls.

Today for literacy your going to do your daily tasks.

Can you practise the words on your word wall with an adult. How quickly can you say them? How many new words do you know?

Can you play a game of pairs with some of your words from your word wall. Pick 8 words, you will need to make two sets of words so that you can play the game. You can cut up squares of paper and write the words on them.
Turn all the words over so you can not see them, take turns to turn two cards over, saying the tricky word you reveal. If you match the words then you keep the cards. How many pairs can you get?

ng sound – I have created a challenge on sumdog for you to play to practise spelling words with the ng sound in them. Have a try! I will log into sumdog and see how well you are doing.

Reading – sign into oxford owl and read Big Bad Bug again. Can you make a new front cover for the book?


For P.E today why not try some dancing with Oti Mabuse? Here is the link to join in

Keep washing your hands boys and girls.

Keep safe

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 – Literacy/Easter

Good Morning Primary 1.

I hope your home learning is going well. Remember if we can help with anything or if you are unsure about something we have set you please leave us a comment.

Today we would like you to do a bit of writing to finish of our topic on people who help us in the community. We would like you to tell us about three different services you now know about. As a reminder we have learned about the police, the fire service, lifeboats, the library, doctors and nurses.

Pick three of these people and write one sentence about what they do for their job to help us. Draw a picture to match.

Here are a few example :

The fire service put out fires.

The doctor helps me when I’m sick.

You need to remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Remember once you are finished your writing you can send us your fantastic work into the school email address.
Please mark it with P1 so it comes to us 🙂
We would also like you to learn about the Easter Story.
Do you know what Easter is and how it is celebrated?
Why do  Christians celebrate Easter? What happens in Holy Week? What food might people eat around Easter?
Here is the link to the video and the story if you would like someone at home to read it to you.
Watch out for the blog this afternoon where you will be set an Easter craft 🙂
10 egg-citing things to do during the Easter holidays - Go North East
Have a lovely day everybody
Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


Primary 1 – P.E, Literacy and Music

Good morning boys and girls 🙂

We hope you are all well. This morning for P.E we would like you to take part in a cosmic kids yoga workout. I have attached a link of one you might like to join in with 🙂


Today for music Mrs Keenan would like you to celebrate Easter by singing and dancing along with Hosanna Rock


If you would like something different join in with Myleene Klass on her YouTube live where she is teaching you about rhythms. Here is the link


Literacy –

Tricky words – can you play word splat. You will need to get a piece of paper and cut it into squares. Write some of your words on the squares from your word wall. Put the squares on the floor, table or on the wall. Get an adult to say a word to you and see if you can splat it with your hand! How quickly can you splat the word?

Sounds – continue working on you ing sound. How many words can you write down that have ing in them? Can you make these words using playdough

Here is the playdough recipe

8 tbsp flour (any kind)
2 tbsp salt
1 tbsp veg oil
60ml water
Mix it all together, then knead it together.
You can add food colouring or herbs or glitter. If you keep it in a sealed bag it will last for a week. If it’s a bit wet add a bit more flour. Also is handy to have a little extra flour for dusting and it can get sticky as  you use it.
Reading – can you log back into Oxford Owl and read Big Bad Bug again. If you did not complete both of the activities can you complete the other one today. Tell an adult what your favourite part of the book was.
Have a lovely morning.
Please remember to leave us a comment and send any pictures to marking it with P1.
Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia



Primary 1 – P.E/literacy

Good morning Primary 1,

We hope you have had a nice weekend and kept yourself safe.

Remember you can join in with Joe Wicks to get your day started.

Today for literacy we have set you tasks that can be completed daily.

Here are your tasks:

Can you sign into Oxford Owl and read the book Big Bad Bug. Here is the link.

Once you have read the book you can complete the activities that go along with it.

This week we would like to you focus on the ng sound. Can you listen to this video to help you blend the ng sound.

Can you remember the action for ng?

Today can you draw a picture of something with the ng sound in it, and then write a sentence to match. Remember your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

Keep practising your words from your word wall. How quickly can you say them? How many can you say?

Pick a page from your handwriting booklets. Remember to take you time whilst completing this. If you have a green and pink pencil you can self assess your work. Circle only one green for growth and one pink for perfection.

We hope you have a lovely morning. Remember to leave a comment  and let us know what you have been doing! Also any pictures email them into


Stay safe,

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 – Maths

Good morning Primary 1.

Last post of the day! We can’t believe it is already Friday. It has been a strange week not seeing all your smiley faces, but it has been lovely setting you challenges. It is nice receiving pictures of what you have been doing and reading your comments on the blog. Please continue to do this as it makes Mrs Melia and I smile!

Last job for the day – we would like you to practice telling the time. Last week we were learning about o’clock. Can you tell someone at home where the big hand needs to point when it is o’clock?

Try this game at home to practise telling the time

I have also set you a challenge on Education City to complete the o’clock times.

Happy Friday everyone! Hope you have a lovely weekend. We will see you here again on Monday at 9.30!

Stay safe

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


Unfortunately you can not add photos when commenting back to us. However if you please send your pictures into this email address. Your picture will be directed to the correct teacher to see your fabulous work.


Seeing what work you have completed certainly puts a smile on our face!

Hope you have all had a lovely day!

Primary 1 – Literacy

Good morning Primary 1.

Remember to join in with Joe Wicks this morning to keep you fit and healthy. Can you describe how you feel once you have exercised? Does it make you feel energised?

Unfortunately you are unable to post pictures when commenting back but please if you have any pictures or pictures of your work send it to

Please put the subject of the email as Primary 1 so it can be quickly identified and we will post it on the blog for you to share your fantastic work. We can not wait to see what you have been doing!

Today we would like you to write an information report using the information you found out about the library.

Click the upload below if you would like to use the sound mat to help you with your writing.


Remember you need

  • a title
  • 2 or 3 sentences which tell the reader about what you can do at the library
  • capital letters, full stops and finger spaces
  • and a detailed picture

Image result for a library

Can you choose a book from your house , or go onto oxford e-owls and read a story to someone at home.

Have a lovely day

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia