All posts by Miss Beaton

Primary 1 Maths/ JIGSAW

Good morning boys and girls!

For maths today try some counting forwards

and backwards

Then can you ask a grown up to say a number within 10 and using your hands throw them the number. Here is an example throw the number 8. I have 8 fingers thrown and 2 hidden.

For JIGSAW today can you draw a picture for each different time of the day showing JIGSAW Jack how you keep clean and healthy. I have posted the different times throughout the day to draw pictures for. You can do this in your jotter or on a piece of paper if you like. What things do you do in the morning to keep clean and healthy? Examples of things you might draw are – brushing your teeth, getting washed, getting ready, brushing your hair, having your breakfast and going to school.

Have a lovely weekend boys and girls. Remember it is the holiday weekend so we will see you back here again on Wednesday morning at 9am.

Keep yourself safe

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls.

We hope you managed to go for your daily hours exercise yesterday and find lots of different numbers on the way.

For maths remember to keep practising counting forwards and backwards each day.

Then can you practise saying the months of the year. Get someone at home to listen to you saying them. Get them to ask you what month comes after to see how well you know them! for example they might ask you what month is after May and you would say June.

Here are a couple of songs you might want to join in with to practise saying them first


Why not make yourself some play dough this afternoon. Once you have made the play dough you can practise making your numbers like the picture below.

Here is the play dough recipe for you.

8 tbsp flour (any kind)
2 tbsp salt
1 tbsp veg oil
60ml water
Mix it all together, then knead it together.
You can add food colouring or herbs or glitter. If you keep it in a sealed bag it will about a week. If it’s a bit wet add a bit more flour.

Primary 1 Maths and Outdoor Learning

Good afternoon boys and girls.

I hope you are all well! Mrs Melia and I are missing seeing all your smiley faces!

For maths today we would like you to practise the days of the week. Practise saying them forwards, even try saying them backwards. Get an adult at home to tell you a day and you need to tell them the day after and the day before. You will have lots of fun!

Here is a video for you to sing along with to remind you of the days of the week.

Your going to get crafty this afternoon too! Today we would like you to collect natural materials from outside and make a picture (use twigs as a border). Here is an example. Once you have made your picture remember to send us it πŸ™‚ We love to see your hard work!

Loose parts picture

Have a lovely afternoon boys and girls.

Speak to you tomorrow

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Maths and Healthy Eating Topic

Good afternoon boys and girls!

I hope you have had a lovely morning.

Try counting forwards and backwards with Jack Hartmann today using the video below

This afternoon for maths when you are on your daily walk take a piece of paper and a pen or pencil with you. Can you write down all the different numbers you spot? Here are a few things you could look out for registration plates, house numbers, street signs.


For our healthy eating topic we would like you to talk to someone at home about the kinds of foods you would eat together e.g. cereal and milk, fish and chips, mince and tatties. Draw some of these foods in your jotter or on a piece of paper. Draw pictures of foods that do not go together e.g. mash and spaghetti, pickles and ice-cream.

Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Maths and French

Good Afternoon Primary 1!

I hope you have had a lovely day, it is such nice weather again. I hope you have managed to enjoy some of it either in your garden or if you go for your daily 1 hour exercise.

This afternoon for maths join in with this song to count to 100


Why not sing with Jack Hartmann to practise the story of 8(number bonds) . Then can you complete page 5 of your workbook which is the story of 8.

Remember your sumdog challenge is up and running so please have a go! Mrs Melia and I will be on to have a look to see how well you are doing!


For French Mrs Grenfell would like you to make the rainbow. Can you colour the correct colour for each French word? Before you start why not listen to the rainbow song first to remind you of the colours.

You can either print this picture and colour the sections the correct colour or make it in your jotter following the rainbow below.

Enjoy boys and girls!
Speak to you tomorrow
Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Maths/Health and Wellbeing – JIGSAW

Good morning boys and girls πŸ™‚

It’s Friday! I hope you have worked hard this week and are ready for a rest over the weekend. I know it is a bit strange doing your school work at home, Mrs Melia and I are finding it strange teaching you over this and not seeing all your smiley faces!

Today for maths can you see what you can find in your house that is a 3D shape. If you need to remind yourself of which shapes to look for and their names here is the video from yesterday.



JIGSAW Jack today would like you to help him learn how to cross the road safely.

Watch this first video to find out how to cross the road safely, maybe you can practise this in your garden by making a pretend pavement and road, or when you go out for your 1 hour daily exercise you can practise this.

Listen to this video and join in with the song to help you remember how to cross the road safely.

Who could you ask to help you if you didn’t feel safe crossing the road? Can you think who could help you? Draw a picture of you and someone who could help you cross the road so that JIGSAW Jack knows who to get help from.

Have a lovely weekend and see you all here again on Monday πŸ™‚

Keep safe and keep washing your hands.

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon Primary 1.

For maths today remember you have your sumdog challenge you can complete. Also practise counting forwards to 100 and backwards from 20.

Today why not practise your doubles. We were learning about doubles just before we finished up.

double 1 = 2

double 2 = 4

double 3 = 6

double 4 = 8

double 5 = 10

Why not try this song to help you


We are going to look at 3D shapes today. Can you remember their names ?

Have a listen to this video

Can you now name the shapes and describe them to an adult at home.

Once you have done that try the challenge on SUMDOG.

Have a great afternoon

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


Primary 1 Maths

Good Afternoon boys and girls.

I hope you are all well. Remember to leave us a comment to let us know how you are all getting on. Mrs Melia and I would love to hear from you. Remember you can email us your pictures too. Even send us a tweet!

This afternoon we would like you to do some counting backwards. Can you count backwards with the monkey and do the floss at the same time?


Why not try some subitizing with Jack Hartmann. How quickly can you say the numbers?


We are going to continue with 2D shapes today. Remember to complete your SUMDOG challenge. If you have done that and fancy something else why not try the shape monsters game on topmarks.

For our healthy eating why not listen to this book – Monsters don’t eat Broccoli.

What did the monsters want to eat?Β  Did you make a list of foods you like and don’t like. Remember it is important to eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day. What fruits and vegetables are your favourite? Which ones are you not so keen on? Are there any you would like to try.

Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


Primary 1 Maths/ Healthy eating.

Good afternoon Primary 1.

I hope you have had a nice busy morning.

For maths today, Why not exercise with Jack Hartmann and practise counting to 100. Remember to keep counting even when you are doing the exercise!

Today we are going to focus on 2D shapes. Have a look a this powerpoint to remind yourself of the shapes. We have looked at in class. Once you have done that I have set you a challenge on SUMDOG for you to practise your 2D shapes. Lets see how many you can remember.

2D Shapes PowerPoint Story


Health and Wellbeing – keeping healthy

Today for our keeping healthy topic we would like to you look at the eat well plate and discuss with someone in your house about how to have a balanced diet. What should you be eating more of? What should you be eating less of? Click the link below where you will find the eat well plate PowerPoint.

Healthy eating powerpoint


Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia