All posts by Miss Beaton

Primary 1 Maths and Topic

Good afternoon boys and girls

For maths today following on from yesterdays sequencing use your number line again put the numbers in the correct order. Once you have done that

  1. get an adult to remove a number(s) from your number line. Which number(s) are missing?
  2. Point to number two numbers and you can say what number is in-between. For example point to 5 and 7, the number in-between would be 6.

For topic this afternoon can you research where some tropical fruits come from. Where are bananas grown? Where does the coco come from to make chocolate? You can use siri or google to ask your device or ask a grown up.  Once you have found out send us an email to let us know 🙂

Have a great day

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Maths and Topic

Good afternoon boys and girls.

It has been lovely seeing the videos that some of you have sent in already about what you have enjoyed about Primary 1. Remember once you have made your video send it into our email

For maths remember to keep practising counting forwards and backwards. Here is a few songs you can join in with to help you count.

Once you have practised counting we would like you to do some ordering of numbers. You might start with numbers 0-10 or if your feeling confident you might try 0-20 or even beyond. Write the numbers down on square pieces of paper. Mix all the numbers up and then see if you can arrange them in the correct order. Once you have done it once why not see if you can do it faster. Here is an example


For our healthy eating topic today we would like you to speak to someone in your house and find out which foods taste sweet, salty or sour. Can you make an experiment and try some of these things? Which did you like best? Does everyone in your house like the same kinds of foods? What do you like that is the same or different?

Can you also talk to someone in your home about what is different about tinned food and fresh food. Are they both as healthy for you?

Email us your thoughts about sweet, sour and salty foods, which do you prefer?

Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls,

Have you had a busy morning?

For maths today you are going to give someone in your house directions? It could be from your bedroom to the living room or maybe the living room to the kitchen. Remember to use directional language left right, forward and backwards. To get to my kitchen I need to take 8 steps forward, turn left and then 5 steps forward

Why not try this on education city. You just need to write down the directions you would give Sten to get to Manu’s house.

If you have a tablet you could download the bee-bot app. Here is what you need to look for.

Today we would also like you to take a little video telling us what your favourite part of Primary 1 so far has been. If you don’t want to do a video maybe you could draw a picture and write a sentence. Once you have done this could you send it into the Primary 1 email box where Mrs Melia and I can see them all. Here is the email address

Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Maths and French

Good afternoon boys and girls.

Remember you have your lego challenge that you can complete if you have not already. The ones we have so far are amazing! Well done

Remember we will be continuing to phone people this week it will be an unknown number but it is just Mrs Melia and I :)!

For maths today I have set you a challenge on Sumdog we will be signing in to see how you get on!

Practise counting to 100 with the song below

Today can you complete your maths workbook Betty’s Cafe page 6.

Today for French Mrs Grenfell would like you to practise saying your colours.


Once you have listened to the song can you find things in your house and say what colour they are in French.

Have a lovely afternoon.

Speak to you tomorrow.

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Health and Wellbeing


Good morning boys and girls!

It’s Friday already, I hope your week has been good. We have loved being able to chat with you on the phone. Don’t worry if you haven’t heard from us yet we are going to carry this on next week. Everyone will receive a call.

It has been so nice seeing all your pictures in the new email mail box! Thank you for taking the time to send us your work. It definitely has cheered Mrs Melia and I up this week.

Today Jigsaw Jack would like you to make a poster to remind people to always wash their hands. Jigsaw Jack has been washing his hands before he eats food, after he has been to the toilet and once he has been out for his daily walk. He washes them for 20 seconds and he always makes sure he gets all his fingers, even his thumb and does the hedgehog to make sure the soap gets in between all his fingers.

Listen to the video and then make your poster.

On your poster you will need to draw a picture of someone washing their hands. Remember to out a message on the poster it might say Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap.

Send us your finished poster to our email where we can have a look at your poster.

Have a lovely safe weekend boys and girls. Speak to you on Monday

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls,

It has been so nice to see your creations and work that you have been sending into the new email address! It is nice to be able to reply to you I hope it is putting a smile on your face. I know Mrs Melia and I are definitely smiling when we see all your hard work.

Today for maths can you practise saying the next number forwards and backwards. An adult at home will count to you for example 11, 12, 13 and you will need to say what comes next. Then try to do it backwards too for example 16, 15, 14 and you will say what comes before.

You might want to join in with this song to do some counting before you try your task.

You also have the game on education city where you can practise halving items.

Have a lovely day. It is another lovely day I hope you manage to get outside for some fresh air, maybe a walk or a cycle.

Primary 1 Learning grid

Hi boys and girls,

Just posting the new learning grid with lots of new ideas to try.

homelearning grid may

Remember we have posted different tasks for the day and you have your lego challenge to try!

It’s beautiful outside. Miss Beaton is currently working away in the garden enjoying the sun. Make sure to try get yourself out as well even for a little walk.

Remember we will be making calls over the next two weeks, the phone number will be withheld it is just Mrs Melia or I checking in with you to see how your getting on 🙂

Enjoy the afternoon.

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls,

I hope you have been working hard trying to say all your tricky words this morning!

I hope your as excited as Mrs Melia and I about the lego challenge! We can not wait to see your creation, read your instructions and be able to email back to give you our thoughts on your creation!

For maths today can you practise halving items.

Here is a little story to remind you, we listened to this one in class.

Can you make a sandwich and cut it in half? Can you cut a cake in half? You could have one half and you could give the other half to someone else. Can you get 4 pieces of lego and half them? Can you get 10 pieces of pasta and half them? How many pieces would you get?

I have also set a challenge on education city for you to try!

Have a good day

It is a lovely day today so make sure you go out and get some fresh air if you can

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


Primary 1 **CHALLENGE**

Good morning boys and girls !

Here is your challenge we would like you to try!

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia have made a sway for you to watch. In the sway it will explain to you what you need to do! We hope you like it!

Primary 1 Lego Challenge
Go to this Sway to email us your creations


Let us know how you get on!

Have a lovely day

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia