All posts by Miss Beaton

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls.

I hope you are enjoying your activities this week for fairyland- The Three Little Pigs!

This afternoon for maths can you practise your doubles.

We would like you to ask a grown up to count out a number of items for example toys, sweets, lego or maybe go outdoor and get some leaves. See if you can double the number. For example your grown up might ask you to get 2 leaves, double it how many would you need? You should now have 4.

Enjoy your day everyone

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls

Today for maths can you have a go at some 10 frame games. Last week you were making your own so you should be experts.

On gregtangmath you have to make the ten frames. It games you the number and you need to make the number on the ten frame.

Here you can you say how many – the circles will be on the frame can you say how many there are and how many spaces e.g. 4 circles 6 spaces.

Have a lovely day

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls,


This afternoon for maths we would like you to do some coin rubbing.

Ask an adult at home for some coins, put a piece of paper over a coin and using either a pencil or a crayon can you rub over the coin and see what happens? Take a picture and let us see!

When you pick your coin can you identify what they coin is. Is it a 1p, 2p, 5p or 10p? We know all the coins up to £2 see which ones you can remember.

Remember you can go onto Sumdog at any point to play some maths games.


Today Mrs Grenfell would like you to

Listen to the song, “Bonjour”, on YouTube.

We have listened to this in class already.

See if you can pick out the words:

Bonjour – hello

ça va? – how are you?

Merci – thank you

Ecoutez – listen

 When you hear them, touch your head.


Have a lovely day boys and girls

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Jigsaw

Good morning boys and girls,

It has been lovely so far to see how you are getting on with your fairyland topic we have loved seeing your information about castles.

Today for Jigsaw, Jack would like you to draw a picture of your family and label your picture to say who everyone is.

Once you have drawn your picture can you write a sentence underneath to say why your family is important and how you feel when you are with them. You could start your sentence with

My family is special because…..


Have a lovely weekend boys and girls

Also, remember there are craft packs at the school ready to be collected. There is one for everybody and there are lots of items inside the folder! You can go up between 12-1.30 to collect these.

Speak to you on Monday

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls.

I hope you are enjoying the fairyland activities and are managing to help the dragon!

This afternoon for maths we would like you to look at your number bonds. We would like you to pick a number from 1-10 and write it in the middle of a piece of paper. We would then like you to try to find as many different ways to make this number. This could be using addition or subtraction. Here is an example below to help you get started.



Have a lovely afternoon

speak to you tomorrow

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 maths

Good afternoon boys and girls,

It is such a lovely day today I hope you have managed to get outside even if it is for a little walk. Today for maths we would like you to make 10 Frames. Make your own 10 frames using twigs, lollypop sticks or lego. Use different things to fill them you could use pasta or cereal. Ask a grown up to give you a number and fill that many on your ten frame. Ask a grown up to ask you how many are filled? How many empty spaces? Try to answer without counting.

You could even try this whilst you are out for a walk you could collect some twigs and leaves and make your 10 frame and use the leaves for your items to put into the spaces.

This example below has 7 filled and 3 spaces.

Have a lovely day and enjoy the nice weather.

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Primary 1 Maths

Good afternoon boys and girls,

For maths today we would like you to make a pictogram of people in your homes favourite food. You could even phone some of your family if you would like to ask them too.

  1. You need to pick 4 foods to give as a choice for example banana, apple, orange and grapes.
  2. Ask each person what their favourite is putting a tally mark beside the one they pick.
  3. Once you have everyones choice you will make the pictogram. Remember to put the names of the foods along the bottom and your numbers up the side like I have shown you below. Once you have done that under each food draw a picture to represent how many people liked it.

Here is an example

What food was the favourite? Which was least favourite?

Once you have made your pictogram remember to send us it in 🙂

Have a lovely day

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

Jigsaw – Health and Wellbeing

Good morning boys and girls.

Today Jigsaw Jack would like you to make a healthy snack. Can you spread with a table knife? Can you chop some soft foods like a banana or some cheese by making a bridge with your fingers, using a table knife.

Watch the videos below to help you

This one is about spreading

Some foods you can tear here is a little video to help you


Now watch this one about cutting using the bridge and claw


Once you have made your healthy snack send us a picture into the email address

Have a nice weekend, remember Monday 18th is a holiday so we will see you all back here on Tuesday morning ready for some more learning activities 🙂 Have a nice break away from working super hard.

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia