All posts by Mrs Melia

P1 Literacy, PE and French

Good Morning girls and boys,

For Literacy this morning we are looking at the ‘sh’ sound. Remember ‘sh’ can be at the beginning or end of a word. Here is a wee song to remind you,

Can you think of 4 words with the ‘sh’ sound? Tell them to someone in your house.

In your blue jotter draw 2 pictures of things with the ‘sh’ sound such as ship, shoe, fish or dash. Remember to add lots of detail.

Once you have drawn your pictures can you write the word next to it using your knowledge of sounds – think about what the first sound is, the middle sound and the last sound.

Then, can you think of a sentence with the ‘sh’ sound and write it on the lines underneath. For example, The fish is on the dish. 

Remember to practise reading the words on your tricky word walls. And there is a Sumdog spelling challenge for sh words for you to try this week.

For PE, are you still keeping up with Joe Wicks? I’m joining in with you – it certainly gets your heart pumping! I wonder what he will be dressed up as today?


For French, we learned the names of the colours in French. Can you remember any of them? Some are quite similar to the colour names in english. Can you name the colours of the rainbow in French with Camembear (click on link)?

And here is a wee song,

You can also pick some things to do on your home learning grid, if you are still looking for things to do.

Pop back this afternoon for maths and health and wellbeing tasks.

Bye for now 🙂


Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


Primary 1 April Learning Grid

Good Morning Primary 1,

We hope you and your families are all well and safe and have enjoyed the Easter break.

Here is the April Primary 1 learning grid for you to work on while we are still working from home. (Click on it to enlarge)

For both Literacy and Maths there are daily activities to keep practising. You can pick and choose from the different activities in the lists. Some are linked to the daily posts on the blog.

If you haven’t already had the chance to login into the oxford e-owls books here is the link:

We will still be posting twice a day on the blog a variety of different things for you to do. And we would still love to see all your work, it really does bring a smile to our faces to see how well you all are. Remember to mark your emails P1 and send them to,

Keep following the school twitter page for more ideas. You will find it at,



You can also comment here. We look forward to hearing from you all.

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Easter activities

Morning everyone,

The past couple of weeks have been a bit different for us all, but we hope you have enjoyed all the learning activities in your packs and on the blog.

In preparation for our Easter holidays we have found some more Easter and Spring themed activities for you to do.

Top marks have lots of Spring maths games (click here). You can choose which one you would like to do.

If you need a wee break why not get active with the Singing Walrus.

Today have some fun and go on a rainbow scavenger hunt. How many can you find?

Image may contain: possible text that says 'RAINBOW SCAVENGER HUNT Find something red. rima Amplayground Find something yellow. Find something orange. Find something green. Find something blue. Find something purple. Name a fruit that is red. Name an animal that is yellow. Name a vegetable is orange. Name a plant that is green. Name a flower that is purple. Name something outside that is blue.'

Look out for our next post at 10:30 for some more Easter ideas.

Stay safe

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P 1 Maths and Art

Afternoon everyone,

For maths today keep doing your daily tasks:

  1. Counting forwards and backwards.
  2. Addition and subtraction facts to 10.

Today’s task is to watch an episode of Numberblocks on BBC iplayer. Your choice of episode.

There are lots of games you can play on the Cbeebies Numberblock website. Here are a few, click on the title and it will take you there.

Numberblocks make and play

Numberblocks adding and subtraction

Numberblocks magic quiz

Why not do some Supermovers to get your body moving while doing your maths. Can you dance with Mr Pumpernickel (click here)?

Remember the Sumdog challenge is still running.

If you are going out for a daily walk there are lots and lots of rainbows and teddy’s in peoples windows. How many can you count?Last I counted I saw 8 different rainbows and 5 teddy’s. Can you beat my total?

For art, we have another Easter craft. Why not try to draw the Easter Bunny. Here is a short film to show you how.


Remember to keep washing your hands, especially if you went out for a ‘bear and rainbow hunt’.

Stay safe,

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Maths and Craft

Good afternoon everyone,

For Maths this afternoon we would like you to keep doing your daily task:

  1. Counting forwards to 100. Here is another wee song to help you.

  1. Count backwards from 20. Here is a song counting backwards from 50 that will get you moving!


3. Practise you addition and subtraction facts to 5 or 10.

In your workbook please complete p. 4′ The numbers 6 and 7′.

Remember to take part in the Sumdog challenge that is still running. We can see how well you are doing with it.

And there are still tasks set on Education City. It is much easier to get into now, so why not have a go at the games there too.


For our craft this afternoon, you have a choice. Why not boil an egg and decorate it. Or design an egg on a piece of paper or card. We would love to see all your pictures so keep sending them into the school email, marked P1.

If you have a spare moment, you could also go visit the animals in Edinburgh Zoo by watching them using the live cameras. Love the cheeky penguins and can you spot the tiger, its pretty tricky…

Stay safe

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Maths and Art

Afternoon everyone,

Hope you had a good morning.

For maths this afternoon we would like you to keep doing you daily task:

  1. Practise counting forwards and backwards. Here is a short song to help.

  1. Practise you addition and subtraction facts to 5 or 10.
  2. Play our sumdog challenge which will help you to practise both counting and addition and subtraction facts.

We would also like you to play this game,

Play the ‘how many?’ part. You will find it at:

It’s almost Easter, so for art this afternoon we would like you to make an Easter card for someone in you house. We realise that you might not have lots of cards and stuff in the house and it is very tricky to get them from the shops. There is other things you can use, such as the inside of a cereal box, or the back of birthday/Christmas wrapping paper. If you are really stuck and don’t have any of these things to use, you can draw the front of your Easter card in your jotter and write your greeting on the lines below. Remember to be as colourful or creative as you can. Here are some simple ideas to get you started:

Remember to take a picture and email it to us so we can see what you have made. It will bring a smile to our faces.

Stay safe,

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Maths/French

Afternoon P1,

Hope you have had a lovely morning and are enjoying your learning tasks.

As with literacy, we would like you to do some daily maths task. These can be done everyday this week. Your tasks are:

  1. Count forwards to 100. Can you start at any number, for example 7, 27, 45?
  2. Count backwards from 20. You can watch this short song to help you.

Today’s maths task is to keep learning you addition and subtraction facts. This week can you remember them to 10?

A Sumdog challenge has been set up for you all to take part in all week too.


For French this week, we would like you to keep practising counting to 10 in french. Here is a song to help you,

Try to say the numbers in french to someone in your house. Can you get all the way up to 10?

Your final task for this afternoon is a Lego Challenge.

You are stuck on Mars and need to build a new ship to get home. 

Why not take a picture and send it to us on the school email, mark it P1. We have loved seeing some of your creations and hardwork.

Stay safe everyone,

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


Good Morning Primary 1,

We hope you have had a good week and kept safe. On a Friday we would normally do Jigsaw for our Health and Wellbeing. We have been learning about how to keep our bodies and minds healthy and how to stay safe. Do you remember the ‘If your healthy and you know it’ song? Can you sing it to someone in your house with the actions. Here is a wee reminder:

(To the tune of ‘if your happy and you know it’)

If your healthy and you know it, wash your hands, wash, wash

If your healthy and you know it, wash your hands, wash, wash

If your healthy and you know it, and you really want to show it, if your healthy and you know it wash your hands.

Other verses include ‘eat some fruit, munch, munch’, ‘drink some water, glug, glug’, ‘walk to school, march, march’, ‘ get some sleep, snore, snore’. Remember the actions!

In your blue jotter we would like you to draw a picture of you keeping healthy and happy. Underneath you can write what you do to keep healthy and happy, for example

I am doing PE with Joe. I am eating an apple. I am washing my hands. 

Remember to add lots of detail to your picture. Draw where you are keeping healthy and happy, who is with you and what you are doing. When you are writing try to sound out your words.

Come back at about 10:30 to see your next blog.

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


P1 Afternoon


Hope you are all staying safe and well.

For maths this afternoon we are still looking at addition. Here is a wee starter to get your brain going.

Keep practising your addition and subtraction facts to 5.

In your maths book please do p.3 The Story of 7.

You could also play Hit the Button on Top marks. Click on the link to take you there.

Hit the button

Or keep playing the Sumdog challenge.

For Science, build a tower. You can use anything you would like to build it. In class you have made towers using different patterns of wooden bricks. Make sure you ask before you start building with things. You could use lego, books, boxes, anything that comes to hand. If you are going to build your tower really tall make sure you are thinking about how to keep yourself and everyone else safe as it may fall. An adult to hand is a good idea if you are thinking of going large. You can share pictures of your towers by emailing them to the school email address in your title put P1 and then we can share some of your creations.

Keep washing your hands

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton