All posts by Mrs Melia

P1 PE and Story Writing

Good morning everyone,

We hope you and are families are all safe and well. We have been doing PE every morning. Keeping active, keeps us happy and healthy so keep it up. This morning we are suggesting some dancing with Oti,

For Literacy this morning we are going to write a description. This is Panda.

In your jotter we would like you to draw a detailed picture of Panda. He is visiting Polkemmet so perhaps include a drawing of the school or your classroom in your detailed picture.

Then we would like you to describe him. What does he look like? Here is an example of a sentence you could include,

The panda is black and white. He has 2 legs and 2 arms. 

When you are writing your sentences remember,

  1. Capital letters at the beginning of a sentence.
  2. Finger spacing – if using your own finger is too tricky use another pencil like this.

  1. Full stop at the end of the sentence – not a football and not floating in the air, a small dot on the line.
  2. Sound out your words – what is the first, middle and last sound. Say the word slowly to help you.
  3. Use your word walls to help spell tricky words.

If you need a brainbreak here are some songs to get you moving,

The Granny singing about full stops and capital letters:

The alphabet song:

Remember you can still do the Sumdog ch word challenge or try Teach your Monster to Read.

Pop back this afternoon for more ideas 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Literacy and PE

Good Morning everyone,

For PE this morning we are going to do a bit of yoga. Here is a cosmic kids yoga about Squish the fish.


For Literacy this morning we are looking again at the ch sound. Ch can be at the beginning or end of a word. Here is a short film to remind you,

Can you think of words that begin with ch and end with ch? In your jotter draw two things in the blank space, that use the ch sound. Here is a song to give you some ideas,

Now write a sentence using your ch words, for example

I sat on a chair.

Remember to use capital letters, finger spacing and a full stop.

In Sumdog we have set a ch word challenge. Why not have a go.

We would also like you to have a go at some blending. Follow this website and use your Discovery Espresso logo in the from of your jotter.

Play one of Scraps blending games. You choose.

Remember to pop back this afternoon for some maths 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton.

P1 PE and Literacy

Good morning everyone and welcome back to the beginning of a new week. We hope you’ve had a lovely weekend.

For PE this morning we are going to join Joe Wicks again.

For Literacy this morning we would like you to read an Oxford Reading Tree eowl book The Big Feet.

Here is the link

Try some of the activities that go with the book.

We would also like you to read your word walls. Last week you made pictures with some of the words you found challenging. Can you do the same again this week.

On your word walls colour in the words you know really well and can say without sounding out or getting any help. This will help you to track which ones need extra practise with.

Remember there are still activities for you to do on your home learning grid.

Pop back this afternoon for some maths and french 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Literacy

Morning everyone

Last day of the week. Well done to you all keeping busy with your learning.

For Literacy today we are going to look again at rhyming. You were all very good at this in class. Here is a wee song to get you moving and help you to remember what rhyming is,

Listen to this story and think about all the rhyming words. Remember a rhyming words sounds the same at the end.

Can you think of some other rhyming words to say to someone in your house? Can you make up a real or nonsense word that rhymns with your name? Like Mrs Melia – Mrs Selia or Miss Beaton – Miss Meetin 🙂

Today is the last day of the ‘sh’ Sumdog challenge and Education City games so have a go. Remember to say your words on your word wall with someone in the house.

Pop back for your next blog later.

Have a lovely weekend. Stay safe and wash your hands,

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


P1 Literacy, PE, Science

Good morning everyone,

This morning for PE lets give Joe Wicks a go again. Here is the link,

In Literacy, we would like you to listen to a story as part of the Scottish Book Trust Authors Live. You’ll need paper or your jotter and a pencil close by because you are going to be doing some drawing too.

The story you are going to watch is Shifty McGify and Slippery Sam  by Tracey Corderoy and illustrated by Steven Lenton. These are two tricky dogs who change career after a robbery goes wrong…

We would like you to watch the author tell the story and draw along with the illustrator (films about 30mins long). You have been learning about authors and illustrators, can you tell someone in your house what these people do.

For Science, we are learning about sound. Listen! What do you hear? Can you hear birds or cars or people talking? Are they quiet sounds or loud sounds? What senses do you use to hear sounds?

Can you make a musical instrument using things in your house. Here are some ideas,

  • Put some water in a glass. Wet your finger and run it along the edge of the glass (you might need some help with this). Can you hear a noise? What happens if you change the amount of water? Is the noise quiet or loud?
  • Put some dried rice or pasta in a dry plastic box/bottle with a lid. Give it a shake, what can you hear? Is it a loud or quiet noise?
  • Using a wooden spoon, drum on a pot. Is this a loud or quiet noise? Can you make it quieter?
  • If you have an elastic band (or hair bobble), pull it tight and try to make a sound with your finger. Is it quite or loud? Can you make it louder?
  • Clap your hands and stamp your feet. Is the noise loud or quiet?

Here is a short film from Seymour Science on BBC Bitesize, explaining how sound is made. 

Have fun making more sounds,

Pop back this afternoon for your next blog 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Literacy and PE

Good Morning everyone,

Hope you and your families are all safe and well. For PE this morning why not try a bit of yoga.

For Literacy this morning we would like you to do a bit of writing in your blue jotter.

This is Ted. He is off on his daily walk. We would like you to write an imaginative story about Ted’s walk. Think about what he see’s, what he hears and how he is feeling.

First draw a picture of Ted in the blank space at the top of the page. In this picture show where Ted is walking:

Here are some ideas: is he on a rainbow hunt? Can you see the houses with rainbows in the windows in your picture? Can you see garderns and trees, a sun if it’s a sunny day?

Or is he walking in the woods? Can you see the trees and grass in your picture? Is the sun in the sky? Can you see any birds?

Remember add lots of detail in your drawings.

Now its time to write a sentence. Try to sound out and write the sentence yourself – but you may need help sounding out some of the words especially common words.

Here is a picture of our sound wall and vowel house from class that might help you.

An example of a sentence you might write is,

Ted is in the wood. He can see trees and birds.

You can write anything you want but remember your picture tells as much about your story as your sentence does.

Remember still read your word walls with someone in your house and there is a sumdog and Education city challenge for you too complete this week.

Have fun. Pop back this afternoon 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


P1 Tuesday Literacy, PE, Music

Morning everyone,

Hope you managed to get outside and enjoy the sun for a little yesterday. Did you manage PE with Joe yesterday?

This morning for PE, lets try something a bit different. You could workout with Joe or why not try a dance class with Oti. Here is her Shrek dance, it’s lots of fun.

For Music this morning, we are singing songs linked to our topic which is eating healthily. Here are some for you to watch.

Rhythm: Can you clap the syllables in some healthy food? How many claps is apple (2 claps) or banana (3 claps). Can you find a food with 4 claps?

For Literacy, keep doing you daily tasks and practise your tricky word wall. Pick two or three of the words you are finding a challenge to remember and get creative. Using whatever you have lying around to try make the word. Here are some I’ve made to give you some inspiration.

I used dried pasta, lego and cereal to make the words above. But you could use anything. If you don’t stick anything down then you can reuse your pasta or cereal like we do in class. Remember to take a picture in your head to remember the word for tomorrows word wall.

In your ‘writing sentences’ booklet in your pack complete p. 3.

There is also some games set in classwork on Education City. Why not have a go.

Pop back this afternoon for your new blog 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton


P1, P2 and P3 window challenge

Afternoon boys and girls,

When out on our permitted daily exercise we have noticed all of your lovely rainbows and teddy bears. Some of you have made other things for your windows for other children to spot. So we would like to set you all a challenge.

Each week we would like you to decorate your window with some of your lovely artwork using a different theme. This weeks theme is …



Can you draw pictures of rapunzel or Goldilocks and the 3 bears for your window? What about Jack in the Beanstalk or the 3 Little Pigs.

Stick them in your window along with your rainbows for all the children and adults to spot when they go on their permitted daily walk.

Can’t wait to see them!

Mrs Melia, Miss Beaton, Mrs Reid, Mrs Bashir, Mrs Docherty and Mrs Harding 🙂