All posts by Mrs Melia

P1 Wednesday Literacy and PE

Good morning everyone,

This morning for PE we would like you to do a bit of yoga with cosmic kids.

For writing today we would like you to write ahealthy food diary. Here is an example of one,

Don’t worry, you don’t need to print it off. Use the picture to help you lay it out in your jotter. Write these headings:






Also draw how many portions of fruit and veg you have had.

Remember to send it to us by taking a picture and email it to,

Pop back this afternoon for some more maths activities 🙂

Stay safe

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Tuesday Literacy, PE and Music

Good morning everyone,

Hope you are all well.

Today for PE join Oti dancing to the Lion King.

For Music, listen to these songs.


Go on a listening walk around your house. What can you hear?

A clock ticking? , the washing machine? any animal sounds?

For Literacy today the sound we are visiting again is ‘th’. Remember this is the cheeky sound – the one you are allowed to stick your tongue out at 😛

‘Th’ can be at the beginning of a word like the, thin, thick, or at the end of a word like bath and cloth. And sometimes it is in the middle of a word like clothes. What this films to remind yourself,

In your jotter, draw 4 pictures that either begin with or end with th. Remember, add lots of detail. Can you try to write the word next to your drawing? Then try to write 2 sentences with ‘th’ word for example,

The moth has wings.

Remember you can take a picture and send it to our email address,

We look forward to seeing them. There is also a sumdog spelling challenge open for the rest of this week. Can you spell the 10 words with th?

Pop back later for some maths activities 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton





P1 PE and Literacy

Good morning everyone,

Hope you all had a lovely weekend. Did you manage to enjoy some of the lovely sun?

For PE today, why not join Joe Wicks again. You must be getting super fit with all the exercise you are getting.

For Literacy today we would like you to pick a book from the Oxford E-Owls. This weeks book is ‘Clothes for Rain’. This is a non-fiction book, can you tell someone in your house the difference between a fiction and non-fiction book.

We would also like you to do some handwriting. You can pick any page in your handwriting jotters to complete. Watch this short film from BBC Bitesize on how to write letters b, h, k, m, n, p and r.

You can write them using different colours in your jotter, remember your finger spacing between each letter. Try not to let your letters float away, stay on the line.

Pop back this afternoon for some more learning ideas 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton



P1 Literacy

Good Morning everyone,

Hope you are all well.

For PE this morning we would like you to do a bit of yoga.

Yesterday Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia set you a lego challenge. For your Literacy today we would like you to think about your instructions for your lego creation.

You should include a list of what you need, this can be in pictures or a list or both. Then write 3 more sentences explaining how to build your park.

If your not sure pop on the TV and watch BBC Bitesize at 10am on BBC Scotland (also on iplayer). Today’s program is about instruction writing.

Remember you can email your lego challenge and instructions to us at

We have seen some already they are fantastic! We look forward to seeing more.

Also on BBC Scotland at 10:20 you can watch One Night at the Museum. Where children are exploring the National Musuem of Scotland at nighttime! I wonder what they will find. What would you do if you were in the musuem?

For Science today, we are going to explore the properties of water. There are words we can use that describe how water changes: freeze, melting and boiling.

Freezing: put some water into an ice cube tray. Predict where will it freeze best? Once it has frozen, what around the house can you use to melt the ice? Can you find 3 things? Remember to ask a grown up for some help. Take a photo of what you use and write how long it took. Which was the fastest to make the ice melt? Which took the longest to melt the ice?

You can send us your pictures and answers to our Primary 1 email address.

Pop back later for some maths 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Literacy

Good morning everyone,

Hope everyone had a lovely long weekend. We hope you are all safe, well and happy.

For Literacy this morning we would like you to look at your word walls. You are just to read the words, if you are sounding them out you need to keep practising.

With the words on your word walls that you are finding tricky to remember we would like you make a game. Here is an example,

Add the words that you are finding tricky and play with someone in your house.

Here are some other fun ways of remembering those tricky words,

  • Write your words on bits of paper. Get someone in your house to call them out. Either slap your hand down or use a toy to find the word.

  • Write your words in chalk on the pavement outside. Ask someone in your house to call out a word and jump on the word.

  • Write your words on two different coloured bits of card. Turn the card over and play a memory game or try to match the words and read them out loud.

You don’t need to use the words in the examples. Use the words that you are finding tricky.


**** NEWS ****


Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia have an exciting challenge for you to take part in. Pop back later to see your teachers explaining the challenge …


P1 Literacy

Good Morning everyone,

We are at the end of the week. Well done with all your learning this week.

Remember you can watch the BBC Bitesize TV program on BBC Scotland to help with all your learning. The Word Waves and Maths at the beginning of the program are great for P1. It starts at 9am on a week day.

For PE today, try to get active with your name. Find the letter in your name and do the PE task.

For Literacy, we would like you to pick a page in one of your handwriting booklets. You can choose.

On BBC Bitesize there is a short film called caterpillar letters. Pop on and watch it.

Caterpillar letters are the letters: c, f, g, a, q and o.

Firstly use your finger to practise forming each caterpillar letter in the air.
Once you’re confident forming the letters, try writing them on paper or in your jotter. See if you can write a whole row of each letter with a finger space in between. You could use different colour pencils if you like.

Then try drawing them all really big on a piece of paper and see if you can draw some caterpillars inside each letter.

Remember there are still games on Sumdog and Education City.

Pop on later for some more activities.

This is a long weekend with the May bank holiday and Inservice day on Tuesday, so pop back on Wednesday for more tasks.

Keep safe and keep washing your hands 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

P1 Literacy and Science

Good Morning everyone,

How did the story writing go yesterday? Remember to email us your stories to mark them as P1. We would love to see all your the things you have created.

For PE this morning we are back with Joe.

For Literacy, we would like you to do the next page on your sentence booklet. If you have been following the blog, it might be page 4. if you have been working away at it, just do the next page.

If you need a short brain break why not sing and move along with this song,

For Science, we have learned about materials and their properties. Watch this film from BBC Bitesize to remind you (start it at 3:09 for the science bit).

Then pop over to BBC Bitesize and investigate which materials we use.

On Education City we have added a materials game set in Granny’s House. Why not have a go.

Remember you can also watch BBC Bitesize on TV. Got to the BBC Scotland channel and watch from 9am. The Word Waves and maths at the beginning of the programme are good for P1. Enjoy.

Pop back this afternoon for more ideas 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton