All posts by Mrs Harding

Primary 3 – 28/04/20 AM

Good morning everyone!

This video should get you ready for Literacy:

Last week quite of lot of you managed to log in to and had a go at the grammar challenge I set you. I have made a new challenge for this week so please log in again and give it a go! There is also the spelling challenge from yesterday to complete as well. (The challenges last until Friday.)

Please remember to practise reading your tricky words from your word wall or word list as well.


Following on from yesterday’s post on money, here is a money challenge:

How many different ways can you make the total 20p using different coin combinations?

List them in your blue jotter and comment here with how many ways you could find. HINT: there are a lot!!!

Play this Toy Shop Money Game. Select ‘Mixed Coins’ and then select a total that you are happy working within. If it is too easy, select the next highest total. If it is a bit tricky, you could try a smaller total.

Have a good morning πŸ™‚
Mrs Harding

Primary 3 – 27.04.20 PM

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you all had a good morning. This afternoon let’s have a go at French and Technologies/Art.


Watch this video of a boy called Angus who visits a school in France. Play along with the guessing game, ‘En France ou en Ecosse?’

en France = in France
en Ecosse = in Scotland

In your blue jotter, write the title A l’ecole. Draw a picture of the French flag in the middle of your page (google it if you can’t remember!) and then draw some of the famous landmarks from France (from the video) around it.

Technologies / Art
Create your own pixel masterpiece using the online creator I have posted below. You can choose what to create. Some examples include a Minecraft style character, a superhero, a Spring animal or scene.

I hope you all have an enjoyable afternoon and let me know how you get on.
Mrs Harding πŸ™‚

Primary 3 – 27.04.20

Good morning everyone!

I hope you’ve all had a great weekend and had some fun in the lovely weather.

Wake up this morning by getting active! You could continue joining The Bodycoach for P.E. with Joe at 9.30am, or for something different, have a go at some yoga (in a Minecraft world!):

In class we have been learning about money. To continue on from this, you could try to join the The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and their partner website, MoneySense, for a live lesson on Facebook or Youtube this morning at 11.30am. To join the lesson, parents should access the lesson by going to the Royal Bank of Scotland Facebook page. #MoneySenseMondays

You could also try a game to help with budgeting, here:


Write a recount of your weekend news in your blue jotter. Remember all your core writing targets (punctuation, spelling, finger spaces, handwriting) and also try to use some openers, such as:
At the weekend…
On Saturday…
Last night…

Draw a detailed picture to go with your writing.

Please also access where I have set you another spelling challenge πŸ™‚

Remember to let me know how you are getting on and if I can help you at all by commenting on this post.
Mrs Harding

Primary 3

Good afternoon everyone.

I hope you’ve all had a good morning doing some Maths and Literacy. This afternoon there are some Music and P.E. activities for you all.

As we are unable to attend the Multisports Festival today, I thought you could organise your own mini festival for people who live in your house! Choose a safe space and make plenty of room.

1)Think of 5 different sports activities and set up what you will need for each activity. Each activity should last for 1 minute. (e.g. star jumps, target throwing (ball into a hoop), running on the spot, standing long jump, football skills, plank, sit-ups)

2)Show everybody what to do at each station and when everyone is ready, time them for 1 minute using a watch, clock or phone.

3)Keep a note of how well people do at each station so you can find a winner!

4)Choose how to record your mini festival. For example you could use your blue jotter to write it down, draw a picture/diagram, or take a photo/video.

Mrs Keenan would like you to learn some songs about healthy eating:

Mrs Keenan would also like you to continue practising rhythm reading:

Have a fun afternoon!
Mrs Harding

Primary 3

Good morning πŸ™‚

I hope everyone’s brain has woken up from the holiday by now and you are all managing to complete some activities at home.

Maths and Numeracy – Estimation

Yesterday we practised estimating how many objects, today we are going to practise estimating where a number goes on a number line. We have practised this in class so it should be familiar.

1) Have a go at this game (I have put 2 links as the bottom one is for tablets):

2) Using your whiteboard or blue jotter, draw a 0-100 number line like the one below and pick a number between 1 and 100. Estimate where this number will go by drawing a little line. Repeat for a few more numbers.

You can change the numbers at the start and end of your number line. If you found this too tricky, try a 0-20 number line and pick numbers between 1 and 20, for example. Or try a 10-20 number line and pick numbers between 10 and 20.

If you would like a challenge, make the number range even bigger, or try a 100-200 number line if you would like to practise 3 digit numbers, for example.

Literacy – Grammar

1) Watch this video about capital letters.

2) Please log in to and find a Grammar challenge called ‘Punctuation and Capital Letters.’ Remember all the types of punctuation we have learned so far and where we should use capital letters. (The start of a sentence, people’s names, place names, days and months…)

If you are unable to access Sumdog, try writing some sentences of your own in your blue jotter making sure you use punctuation and capital letters. ( . ? , ! )

As always, any questions please comment below πŸ™‚
Thank you,
Mrs Harding

Primary 3

Good afternoon!

Here are some activities for you to try this afternoon.

Literacy – Spelling
Log in to and have a go at the spelling challenge I have set for you.

If you are unable to log in to sumdog, pick 8 of your tricky words from your word wall or sheet and practise spelling these. In your blue jotter write today’s date and then write each word 3 times. Next you can pick two other spelling jobs. (e.g. bubble writing, sentences, rainbow writing, pyramid words, draw and label.)

Watch this French video and practise counting forwards and backwards as the children hop. What game does this look like?

If you have a garden and some chalk, draw your own La Marelle and play with someone who lives with you.
Can you think of some other games that you could play in French? Have a go! (e.g. Hide and Seek, Snakes and Ladders…)

Have fun!
Mrs Harding

Welcome Back Primary 3!

Welcome back everyone! I hope you have all managed to have a relaxing break and are ready to start your final term of Primary 3 πŸ™‚

Please find attached a new Home Learning Grid for the next two weeks. You can complete as many activities as you can. Mrs Docherty and I will continue to post on here twice a day as well so you can choose what to do and when.

home learning grid 2

Maths & Numeracy – Estimation
In class we have talked about estimation as a ‘clever guess.’ Have a go at this game and see how close you can get!

You can also practise estimating how many using different objects in your house. Collect a tub / box / bag and put in a few handfuls of something you can count (e.g. pasta shapes, sweeties, marbles, lego blocks etc). Use your whiteboard (from your Read Write Count bag) and firstly write down your estimate. Next, count the items carefully and write down the number. How close were you?! Remember you don’t need an exact answer, just one that is close enough. Try again with a different amount and see if you can estimate accurately!

Here is another estimating game if you need it:

Remember to check Sumdog and Education City to see if you still have challenges to complete. Any questions, please comment here and I will help you.
Mrs Harding

Primary 3

Good afternoon Primary 3!


Time to wake up after lunch with some music. Mrs Keenan has some activities she would like you to practise at home.
1. Learn a song about Easter:

2. Challenge yourself with rhythm reading by clapping along to this:


Following a recipe and making something uses Literacy and Numeracy skills. If you have the ingredients in your house, try making some playdough by following the recipe below. Once you have made your playdough you could use it to practise spelling your tricky words or forming different letters.

You will need
β€’ 8 tbsp plain flour
β€’ 2 tbsp table salt
β€’ 60ml warm water
β€’ food colouring
β€’ 1 tbsp vegetable oil
1. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. In a separate bowl mix together the water, a few drops of food colouring and the oil.
2. Pour the coloured water into the flour mix and mix with a spoon.
3. Dust a work surface with a little flour and turn out the dough. Knead together for a few minutes to form a smooth dough.
4. Store in a plastic sandwich bag (squeeze out the air) in the fridge to keep it fresh.

As always, let me know how you get on by commenting here or emailing photos to and mark it P3.

Mrs Harding πŸ™‚

Primary 3

Good Morning Primary 3 πŸ™‚

To set yourself up for the day, why don’t you try some yoga? Cosmic Kids is a good website for this.


Before completing the task on your Home Learning Grid that asks you to complete a family survey and present your findings as a graph, have a go at some of these activities.

1. Fruitfall Pictograph Game

Fruit Fall

2. Bar Charts Game

3. Log-in to Sumdog and find the challenge I have set for you called Information Handling. Remember you will find your login details inside your blue jotter. See how many answers you can get right! (Remember that myself and Mrs Docherty can see how well you are doing πŸ˜‰ )


Please log-in to (details are found in the front of your blue jotter) where you will see I have set you some Literacy challenges.

If you are having problems accessing Education City, then try watching the videos in this link:

I would like you to practise using commas when you are writing a list. Think of 4 things you need to paint a picture and write them in a sentence using correct punctuation.
e.g. You will need ……… , …………., ……….. and a ………..
Try to write some other sentences with lists. (what you will buy at the shop, what you got for your birthday etc)

Please remember to let me know how you get on – comment here or send photos to the school email address, mark it P3.

Mrs Harding πŸ™‚