Primary 3 – 01/06/20 PM

Bonjour tout le monde!

This afternoon we will do some French activities.

Over the next few weeks you could try to achieve some of the things on this French challenge sheet:


Some of the tasks are pretty tricky so don’t worry about trying to do them all.  Just have a go and you will be surprised what you learn!

To get you started, here is a French song to practise!

What do you think it is about? Discuss it with someone in your house.

Spelling – Sumdog

I have set each group a spelling challenge on sumdog to revise words you have learned in class.  Please log in to and have a go!  It will finish on Friday.

Have a fun afternoon.  If you are outside, please remember to stay safe in the sun by wearing a hat, using suncream and drinking lots of water!

Mrs Harding 🙂

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 – 01/06/20 PM”

  1. This afternoon R has enjoyed doing her learning outside in the subside.
    She watched the video and thinks it’s about someone who has slept in late and they need to wake them up to ring the bells.
    She also used google to find out how many countries have French as an official language. She found out that 33 countries have French as an official language and that over 20 of these countries are in Africa.
    R has also started the spelling challenge on Sumdog.
    She also wanted to play Cluedo this afternoon.

  2. Good research! That means you can already tick 2 things off the challenge 🙂
    Enjoy working outside!

  3. J enjoyed the French Video and sang along with it. He liked teaching his Dad and I how to say our names in French.
    My Name Is Jillian – Je m’appelle Jillian….
    He also completed some of the Spelling Task on Sumdog.
    We have been in the Garden most of the afternoon, playing mini Golf and J’s Favourite Simon says on the Trampoline.

  4. That all sounds good.
    We sometimes play Simon Says at school, but the French version, ‘Jacques a dit…’. You could have a go at that if you know French too!
    Mrs Harding

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