Primary 3 – 01/06/20 AM

Good Morning everyone!

Here is the new Home Learning Grid for the next 2 weeks:  home learning grid 5

Literacy – Weekend News

Today is the 1st June, a new month! I hope you all had a great weekend and managed to spend some time outdoors. Perhaps you finally got to see some family?!  I’m sure it will have been a special weekend for many of you and I would love to hear what you did, who you saw and how you felt.   Please write your weekend news in your jotter and draw a picture to go with it.  Remember to include:

  • punctuation – at least capital letters and full stops!
  • openers – At the weekend…   Yesterday…   On Saturday….
  • connectives – and      but    because      so
  • adjectives – think of interesting describing words to explain what you did and how you felt.

Maths – 3D Shape

Last week you practised naming and describing 3D shapes.  Today we are going to practise making a 3D shape by creating a net.  A net is what a 3D shape looks like if it is opened out flat.

Watch the video first:

Next, see if you can carefully deconstruct a cardboard box (cereal, teabags, biscuits etc) to have a look at the net.  What 3D shape does the net make?  Can you draw around the net to make another one?

For a challenge, have a look at this activity and see if you can work out which nets will make a cube:

Remember our email address for sending work and questions is:

Have a lovely morning,

Mrs Harding

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 – 01/06/20 AM”

  1. This morning R has completed both he literacy and the maths 3d tasks.
    She enjoyed writing about her weekend. She wrote about visiting her auntie and cousin out in their garden, going for a long walk in Saturday and feeding the ducks on Sunday. Her favourite part of the weekend was camping on the trampoline in Friday night with mummy. She tried very hard to use capital letters, full stops and lots of adjectives, although capital and small letter formation needs a little more work.
    For 3d shapes R took apart a cereal box to see the net shape and she tried hard to work out what shapes on the activity would make a cube.
    She also completed some more of the sumdog maths challenege.
    R has also watched the teachers sports day video over and over again

  2. J has written about spending time with family at the weekend. He enjoyed a picnic with one side of the family on Friday and had cake with the other side of the family on Saturday, he said it was lovely to see everyone but sad he couldn’t cuddle.
    I took a cereal box and coffee pod box apart this morning and J had fun putting them back together with tape.
    We have also enjoyed a socially distanced walk with his Nannie at Polkemmet.

  3. That sounds like a great weekend. Well done remembering about social distancing! That is very responsible 🙂

  4. I’m glad you are still enjoying the video!
    It sounds like you had a great weekend 🙂 Well done to you and Mummy for camping on a trampoline – very brave! 🙂

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