Primary 3 Activities

Good afternoon


I would like you to complete the activities from BBC Bitesize by clicking the link below.  Please watch the video and complete the activities.  Then try to complete some questions  on the Sumdog Challenge.


This weeks challenge is the Paper Helicopter Challenge.
The science is all about forces with the paper helicopter being pulled down by gravity and that the fall is being slowed by the wind resistance.
However it also emphasises – Fair Testing when you do this activity. It is really important that you –  drop them from the same height and at the same time to make sure that the race is fair.
Mr McCrudden

Daily Daft

Mrs Docherty

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 Activities”

  1. J really liked Literacy Task this morning. He rolled the dice and got A Bat, Tree House, Scared, Poisonous Apple and a Strange Noise. He made up a Story about The Bat hanging from his Tree house and hearing a strange noise realising it was an apple falling from his tree when he went to get it, the poisonous apple spoke to him which made him really scared.
    He has enjoyed Maths in the Garden practicing his 2x Table, I shouted a 2x Sum at him and he bounced the answer on his Trampoline. Also did a little of Sumdog.
    J is now going to make a Helicopter with his Dad.

  2. It has been a lovely afternoon again doing school work outside.
    R started the Sumdog challenege and completed 41 questions.
    She watched the bitesize video and completed the activities on the 2 x table.
    We had lots of fun making the paper helicopters for the task that Mr McCrudden set. R followed the instructions very well to make her one and then we raced them.
    She also drew a lovely hypnotist picture

  3. You are doing really well completing questions on Sumdog. Mr McCrudden will be pleased to hear you enjoyed the helicopter task. I hope you won R. Well done on following the instructions correctly.

  4. What a fantastic idea to do your maths on the trampoline, I love it!! I hope you had fun making the helicopter. Your story sounds fantastic what a great imagination, I hope you remembered to use capital letters and full stops. Looks like another beautiful day to take out learning outdoors, enjoy!

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