Primary 3 Activities

Good afternoon


Please choose one of the Number Talks tasks below.  Then I would like you to go on Sumdog and try to answer a few questions on the Maths Challenge.




Today I would like you to think about the animals you would find on a farm.  I would like you to choose a farm animal and research facts about them and record your findings in your jotter.  Click on the link below to see how you may wish to set out your facts and the headings you can use.

farm animal fact sheet

Please send your animal facts to the class email

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Mrs Docherty

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 Activities”

  1. J chose Number Talks with The Ladybird pictures. He wrote out sums of how many ladybirds top and bottom, working it out on his fingers.
    He really liked The Farm video with the puppets and chose to research facts about Chickens.
    J also picked out his 5 Favourite Colours and counted the different coloured objects in the living room, writing out the ticks next to each colour.
    We have also picked up some nature pieces when out a walk to make a picture.

  2. R chose the first numeracy challenge.
    She work out the sums by counting backwards.
    She completed the PE at home challenge and had fun running around outside and inside finding objects of all different colours. She found out that her room was the most colourful in the house and the most common colour was gray.
    For the farm animal fact sheet R chose horses.
    She wrote about where they live, eat and what they look like. Her fun fact about horses was that they sleep standing up.
    I apologise as I didn’t realise that there were challenges on sumdog which were due yesterday so R only managed a few questions as yesterday was the first day we realised it was there to be completed

  3. It was a beautiful day to do PE outdoors. It sounds like you have a very colourful bedroom. I hope you learned interesting facts about horses. Please do not worry about not completing the Sumdog challenge, I have set another starting from today.

  4. I am glad you enjoyed the video and I hope you managed to learn interesting facts about chickens. I would love to see a picture of what you made using the nature pieces you collected on your walk.

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