P1 Literacy

Good Morning everyone,

We are at the end of the week. Well done with all your learning this week.

Remember you can watch the BBC Bitesize TV program on BBC Scotland to help with all your learning. The Word Waves and Maths at the beginning of the program are great for P1. It starts at 9am on a week day.

For PE today, try to get active with your name. Find the letter in your name and do the PE task.

For Literacy, we would like you to pick a page in one of your handwriting booklets. You can choose.

On BBC Bitesize there is a short film called caterpillar letters. Pop on and watch it.


Caterpillar letters are the letters: c, f, g, a, q and o.

Firstly use your finger to practise forming each caterpillar letter in the air.
Once you’re confident forming the letters, try writing them on paper or in your jotter. See if you can write a whole row of each letter with a finger space in between. You could use different colour pencils if you like.

Then try drawing them all really big on a piece of paper and see if you can draw some caterpillars inside each letter.

Remember there are still games on Sumdog and Education City.

Pop on later for some more activities.

This is a long weekend with the May bank holiday and Inservice day on Tuesday, so pop back on Wednesday for more tasks.

Keep safe and keep washing your hands 🙂

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

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