Primary 3 Activities

Good Morning

How many items can you find on the Spring Scavenger Hunt

Free Writing Friday

Write a story of your choice and read it to a member of your family.  I would like you to focus on capital letters and full stops.

Online Safety at Home

Follow the link below for activities.


Hope you have a lovely weekend and stay safe.

Mrs Docherty


3 thoughts on “Primary 3 Activities”

  1. J has completed more of the Sumdog challenge. He wrote a short story about if he could fly with Mickey Mouse to India and what they would do when there.
    We could not access the Sharing Pictures link but did watch the Funny Tummy video, he tried to join in and found the activities on that. J followed the maze with his finger for Jessie to find her Dad, he has drawn a picture of Jessie and the Dog and answered the 3 questions about the video.
    Look forward to Scavenger Hunt this afternoon.

  2. I wish I could join Mickey on his trip to Indian, I hope he had a great adventure. Did you read over your story and check for capital letters and full stops. I hope you enjoy the Scavenger Hunt, looks like the sun is coming out. I think I might do it with my children on our daily walk.

  3. R loved trying to learn and copy the sign language actions to the chorus of the song. She did very well at it. She finds the song when it’s feels funny in your tummy, funny and cheerful.
    R wrote a very imaginative story all about a cheeseburger called Bob who lost his pants.
    We are going to use the scavenger hunt activity when we go on our daily walk.
    We hope you have a lovely weekend

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