Primary 3

Good morning 🙂

I hope everyone’s brain has woken up from the holiday by now and you are all managing to complete some activities at home.

Maths and Numeracy – Estimation

Yesterday we practised estimating how many objects, today we are going to practise estimating where a number goes on a number line. We have practised this in class so it should be familiar.

1) Have a go at this game (I have put 2 links as the bottom one is for tablets):

2) Using your whiteboard or blue jotter, draw a 0-100 number line like the one below and pick a number between 1 and 100. Estimate where this number will go by drawing a little line. Repeat for a few more numbers.

You can change the numbers at the start and end of your number line. If you found this too tricky, try a 0-20 number line and pick numbers between 1 and 20, for example. Or try a 10-20 number line and pick numbers between 10 and 20.

If you would like a challenge, make the number range even bigger, or try a 100-200 number line if you would like to practise 3 digit numbers, for example.

Literacy – Grammar

1) Watch this video about capital letters.

2) Please log in to and find a Grammar challenge called ‘Punctuation and Capital Letters.’ Remember all the types of punctuation we have learned so far and where we should use capital letters. (The start of a sentence, people’s names, place names, days and months…)

If you are unable to access Sumdog, try writing some sentences of your own in your blue jotter making sure you use punctuation and capital letters. ( . ? , ! )

As always, any questions please comment below 🙂
Thank you,
Mrs Harding

4 thoughts on “Primary 3”

  1. J found the Number Lines challenging this morning but tried hard. He loves the Sumdog tasks, always has fun with them.
    Absolutely knackered with Joe Wicks today as well, he has written a shopping list to have Chicken with Salad for dinner one day.

  2. What a fantastic effort! Well done for keeping up with P.E. with Joe. (For anyone who has missed it, you will find him on Youtube as The Bodycoach, doing ‘P.E. with Joe’ every morning at 9.30am!)

    Yes, the number lines task can be a bit challenging. If you wanted to try it again you could try a different number line, perhaps 0-20 / 10-20 / 20-30 etc. We will keep working on this so don’t worry!

    Good work with the shopping list. Have you used bullet points in your list? If not, you could add them in!

    Mrs Harding

  3. This morning R wrote about her favourite day of the Easter holidays, Easter Sunday and the egg hunt which the Easter bunny set out for her. She drew a lovely picture to match.
    R did the online number line challenge, she found up to number 20 ok but struggled lines containing numbers over that.
    R enjoyed the story about the fox and has completed 13 questions on sumdog about punctuation.

  4. That sounds like a lovely day. The Easter Bunny has been kept busy this year – visiting my house as well!

    We will keep working on the number lines so don’t worry about that. Well done for keeping so busy!

    Hopefully you will enjoy music this afternoon 🙂

    Mrs Harding

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