Primary 3 Literacy

Good Morning

I hope you had a lovely break and are enjoying being back to online learning.  Lets start the day off with a dance to get us wide awake and ready to learn.



Choose one of your favourite books, pick ten words from a page and see if you can put them in alphabetical order.  If ten is a bit tricky try with 5 words first.

Remember you can also complete tasks on the home learning grid and log onto Sumdog, IDL and Education City.

I would love to see the work you have been doing. You can send it to the school email.

Mrs Docherty

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 Literacy”

  1. J has had alot of fun in the Garden today. Part of the task from yesterday, he has made use of his new football goals and set up different obstacles to score goals.
    He also chose 15 things he could see around and spelt out the words – they are Bucket, Car, Road, Tree, Goals, Firepit, Ball, Table, Box, Houses, Fence, Trampoline, Chair, Shed and Dog.
    Is going to log into Sumdog too.

  2. We had a but if a mixed up school day today as I had to do some work of my own today, so we didn’t start until this afternoon.
    R chose 10 words from a page in the book Cherry the Cake Fairy. She put these into alphabetical order –
    And, bugle, fairy, from, his, jubilee, news, over, queen and tiny.
    R also finished both the spelling challenge and the punctuation challenge that was set on Sumdog for her

  3. Please don’t worry about not doing any work in the morning, you are doing a fantastic job. Well done on completing the Sumdog challenges, there should now be a maths challenge available.

  4. I hope you scored lots of goals! Fantastic spelling, as a further challenge he could put them into alphabetical order. Great idea mum, I might set it as a challenge for the rest of the class.

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