Welcome Back Primary 3!

Welcome back everyone! I hope you have all managed to have a relaxing break and are ready to start your final term of Primary 3 🙂

Please find attached a new Home Learning Grid for the next two weeks. You can complete as many activities as you can. Mrs Docherty and I will continue to post on here twice a day as well so you can choose what to do and when.

home learning grid 2

Maths & Numeracy – Estimation
In class we have talked about estimation as a ‘clever guess.’ Have a go at this game and see how close you can get!

You can also practise estimating how many using different objects in your house. Collect a tub / box / bag and put in a few handfuls of something you can count (e.g. pasta shapes, sweeties, marbles, lego blocks etc). Use your whiteboard (from your Read Write Count bag) and firstly write down your estimate. Next, count the items carefully and write down the number. How close were you?! Remember you don’t need an exact answer, just one that is close enough. Try again with a different amount and see if you can estimate accurately!

Here is another estimating game if you need it:

Estimate – ngfl Cymru

Remember to check Sumdog and Education City to see if you still have challenges to complete. Any questions, please comment here and I will help you.
Mrs Harding

4 thoughts on “Welcome Back Primary 3!”

  1. J has enjoyed the Estimations Task this morning. Having a clever guess with different objects around the house from Jelly Beans, Nerf Darts, Felt Pens and Cans of Juice.
    He also wrote a recount of his favourite day from Easter Holidays, which was a Disneyland @ Home Fun Day.

  2. Wow, I think I’ll need to try a Disneyland Home Fun Day – I look forward to reading the recount!

    Well done for estimating! There will be another estimating activity tomorrow – estimating numbers on a number line!

    Have fun this afternoon with a bit of French.

  3. R enjoyed the estimation task, she had to make a clever guess in the number of crayons, stones, pegs, pasta and magnets that were in a box.
    She chose two tasks fom the maths and numeracy section of the home learning grid –
    The first task was writing down her numbers ensuring all were written correctly and the second task was choosing a number and thinking if different ways of making it. R chose the number 100 and did many addition and subtraction sums to make the answer 100.
    R is also working through a maths sheet today.
    I have also copied the connect 4 acts of kindness in to a large sheet if paper and placed it up in the wall for R to mark off when completed

  4. That is a great idea and will be a good reminder if it is on the wall.
    Sounds like you have been busy today 🙂
    Remember that lots of the activities can be repeated on different days if you find you need more – you can just change the number or the words so it is a bit more challenging.

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