Primary 3

Good Morning Primary 3 🙂

To set yourself up for the day, why don’t you try some yoga? Cosmic Kids is a good website for this.


Before completing the task on your Home Learning Grid that asks you to complete a family survey and present your findings as a graph, have a go at some of these activities.

1. Fruitfall Pictograph Game

Fruit Fall

2. Bar Charts Game

3. Log-in to Sumdog and find the challenge I have set for you called Information Handling. Remember you will find your login details inside your blue jotter. See how many answers you can get right! (Remember that myself and Mrs Docherty can see how well you are doing 😉 )


Please log-in to (details are found in the front of your blue jotter) where you will see I have set you some Literacy challenges.

If you are having problems accessing Education City, then try watching the videos in this link:

I would like you to practise using commas when you are writing a list. Think of 4 things you need to paint a picture and write them in a sentence using correct punctuation.
e.g. You will need ……… , …………., ……….. and a ………..
Try to write some other sentences with lists. (what you will buy at the shop, what you got for your birthday etc)

Please remember to let me know how you get on – comment here or send photos to the school email address, mark it P3.

Mrs Harding 🙂

4 thoughts on “Primary 3”

  1. This morning R has enjoyed playing the fruit fall game, she has also passed the task in sumdog as she answered 54 questions correctly on information handling, unfortunately we could not do the challenge on maths frame.
    R has also called some family members and sent other a message to ask which is their favourite out if 5 films that she has chosen and she is going to do a graph to show all the answers this afternoon.

    For literacy R could not dot he challenge set in education city due to it not being available in tablet from so she watched the video on bitesize. She then wrote up 3 seperate sentences using commas to make a list. The sentences were about what is needed to paint a picture, what is needed to bake a cake and also 4 animals found on a farm

  2. J has really enjoyed the Maths Games this morning. He asked his family what there Favourite Drinks were and made a Bad Graph to show the results. All coloured in as well.

  3. Well done! I can see on Sumdog that you did very well 🙂 Remember, if you decide to do a bar graph to use a ruler, have a title and add labels to your axis (the lines going up and across).
    Great effort with Literacy as well and practising using commas. Two of the games on Education City should be ‘tablet-friendly’ – these are called Putt These in Order and Stig’s Spelling Adventure and they have work to do with the alphabet and spelling. So if you get another chance, have a go and let me know if it works for you.
    I appreciate you taking the time to comment each day, so a big thank you to mum as well 🙂

  4. I’m glad to hear you have been enjoying the Maths games and I look forward to seeing your graph 🙂
    You have until Friday to complete the Sumdog challenge!
    There will be some more activities posted on the blog shortly, and there is a Literacy task from this morning’s blog as well. Although I’m sure you’re keeping busy!
    A big thank you to Mum as well for keeping me posted with everything that you’re doing at home, it’s nice to hear 🙂

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