Primary 3

Good afternoon 🙂

I hope you have all managed to complete some tasks this morning. Remember to let me know by commenting!

Here are some ideas for this afternoon:


1. Practise some French that we have already learned in school, for example:
Comment tu t’appelles? Je m’appelle …. Ca va? Ca va / ca va bien / ca ne va pas
You could even record yourself using a tablet or phone!

2. Watch the video clip in the link below and learn what school (normally!) is like for pupils in France. Practise speaking French by copying the parrot.

3. Think about what is the same as school in Scotland and what is different. (Think about a normal day, not when we are learning at home!). In your blue jotter write down the things that are the same and those that different between French and Scottish school. See my example below of how to lay it out —>

Monday 30th March 2020
School in France



Bonne chance!
Madame Harding 🙂

2 thoughts on “Primary 3”

  1. – enjoyed watching the video and practising the French she has been learning in class.
    – made a list of similarities and differences between school there and here.
    Same- lunch, register,playtime, line up,
    Different – no uniform

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