P1 Afternoon


Hope you are all staying safe and well.

For maths this afternoon we are still looking at addition. Here is a wee starter to get your brain going.

Keep practising your addition and subtraction facts to 5.

In your maths book please do p.3 The Story of 7.

You could also play Hit the Button on Top marks. Click on the link to take you there.

Hit the button

Or keep playing the Sumdog challenge.

For Science,Β build a tower. You can use anything you would like to build it. In class you have made towers using different patterns of wooden bricks. Make sure you ask before you start building with things. You could use lego, books, boxes, anything that comes to hand. If you are going to build your tower really tall make sure you are thinking about how to keep yourself and everyone else safe as it may fall. An adult to hand is a good idea if you are thinking of going large. You can share pictures of your towers by emailing them to the school email address in your title put P1 and then we can share some of your creations.

Keep washing your hands

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton

7 thoughts on “P1 Afternoon”

  1. Hi Miss Beaton, hope you’re well. Please can you reload the Sumdog Challenge as it seems to have expired.

    Many thanks πŸ˜€

  2. _ has had fun building a tower out of cushions from the sofa, some toys, and some boxes. He managed to make it as tall as himself!
    We are having problems emailing pictures over though, as we have been told that they are not being received properly? Any other idea on how to send pictures?

  3. Afternoon πŸ™‚ wow super! Yes every time I receive the email it appears as this (image 0. jpeg).
    It doesn’t load and I am unable to click on it either. Possibly attaching the file might make a difference? Look forward to reading your sentence and seeing your picture.

  4. Hi Miss Beaton.
    We tried resending the picture on the computer as an attachment. Did this work?
    β€” would like to send more photos of his work, but I will wait to see if you managed to get the first one before we send any more!
    Thanks πŸ™‚

  5. Morning, hope you have had a nice weekend and are ready for another day of learning πŸ™‚
    I will get emailed over the pictures today that you sent as they go to the school account. I will let you know if they have worked when I receive them over. Look forward to seeing your work you have completed πŸ™‚

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