Primary 3 Basic Moves

During Basic Moves at PE we focused on over and under arm throwing.  Can you practice your over and under arm throwing at a target.  Your challenge is then to research and list as many ball games as possible where you need need to have good throwing skills.  It would be great if you could post your list.   Who can create the longest list?  Then choose one of the sports from your list and create a poster to promote it.

Remember to check that it is safe to throw!

Mrs Docherty

9 thoughts on “Primary 3 Basic Moves”

  1. My research for ball throwing sports 3.volleyball 4.juggling 6.catch 7.bowling 8.dodgeball 10.netball 11.rounders 12.water polo 13.lacrosse
    Now I am going to do a poster. 🙂

  2. Fantastic work, which sport would you like to try when we get back to school. Good luck making your poster, remember to make it bright and colourful.

  3. My. research rugby, tennis, football, basketball, dodgeball, cricket, netball, fetch, bowling, lacrosse, bassball, shotput.

  4. _ also made a cardboard target and coloured it in then he used a pair of socks to practice his throwing. He has enjoyed this challenge.

  5. _ enjoyed thinking if ball games this morning, she managed to think of 13, her list is –
    Tennis, basketball,bowling, baseball, football, netball, handball, rugby, cricket, volleyball, water polo, American football, table tennis
    She has made a poster about basket ball

  6. Great imagination I love how you created your own game. Glad you enjoyed the challenge. Good luck with your challenge from Mr McCrudden!

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