Primary 3 – 22/06/20 PM

Good afternoon!

I hope you all had a fun morning and are ready to continue our adventure 🙂

First stop – Literacy

This afternoon we are going on the Frozen ride!  Watch the video and imagine we are there:

How many words can you think of that rhyme with ‘snow’? (Remember, rhyming words sound the same at the end.)  Record yourself saying all the words you can think of.

For a challenge, can you write your rhyming words as a list in your jotter and then use them to create a silly story?

Next stop – Art

Watch this video and learn how to draw Mickey Mouse:

I hope you all had a fun afternoon.  Join us tomorrow as we continue our adventure!

Mrs Harding

2 thoughts on “Primary 3 – 22/06/20 PM”

  1. J enjoyed going on the virtual Frozen ride. He wrote a small list of words rhyming with snow and wrote out a few sentences about how he hoped it is going to snow tomorrow using the words from his list.
    He also liked drawing Mickey Mouse as this is his Favourite Disney Character. He has just finished colouring it in.

  2. Great! This sounds right up his street then.
    You can use what you learned in the Mickey video to help draw other characters 🙂

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