Primary 1 Jigsaw

Good morning boys and girls,

Today Jigsaw Jack would like you to find out about the different people in school that can help you. How many people can you think of that help you in the school? Tell someone at home who can help you.

Here are a few scenarios, Jack would like you to think about each of these and work out who you would ask to help you and how you would ask for the help.  The first one I will give an example of how you may ask for help.

You have fallen in the playground and hurt your knee. You might say ‘Please can you help me I have fallen and hurt my knee.’ Who might you ask this question too? Can you try the other examples now.

You are stuck with your maths work

The toilet is flooded

You have lost your lunchbox

Someone called you a name

You are worried about your mum

Your friend won’t let you play


In your jotter Jack would like you to complete the sentence

‘When someone helps me I feel…..’


Have a lovely day boys and girls. Enjoy your weekend and speak to you on Monday

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

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