Primary 1 Maths and Sun Safety

Good afternoon boys and girls,

This afternoon for maths you are going to focus on position and movement – ask an adult at home to give you an instruction e.g. place the teddy on, under, beside, in or between.

Can you make it a little bit trickier – place the teddy on the table at the left side?

Why not try this game on espresso with Scrap and see how you get on


After all this nice weather it is really important to keep safe in the sun. Listen to this story below and make a poster to tell people how to keep safe.

On your poster your may draw a picture of someone putting on sun cream and you might write Remember to put on sun cream. Or you could maybe draw someone with a hat on and remind people to wear a hat in the sun. Listen to the story to find out what else to do to keep safe in the sun.

Have a lovely afternoon boys and girls

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

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