Primary 3 Activities

Good morning

Time to start our day with some exercise from Kidzbop.


I would like you to read the text below then write the answers to the questions in your jotter.  Then it is your turn, I would you to write about the things you like.

Please remember we enjoy seeing your work,  you can send your work to the class email.

Mrs Docherty

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 Activities”

  1. R really enjoys the morning exercise task and loved that today was a kind of dance.
    She completed the questions about the short passage that she read.
    R then wrote some sentences about the things she likes including horse riding, her favourite food and who she likes spending time with.
    She has decided that she would like to do this afternoon’s task out side in the garden as the weather is so sunny

  2. Such a lovely morning, so we have been in the Garden, we have played his big Snakes and Ladders. J has completed the questions and also wrote about himself. He has now completed one of the Tasks on Sumdog that was due this morning.

  3. It is a beautiful day, taking your learning outside is a great idea. Remember to take a break and enjoy the sun! Was there a sentence about loving to dance? i will have a look and see if I can find another dance since she enjoyed it. Enjoy the the rest of your day!

  4. Beautiful day, remember to take a break and enjoy the sunshine. Great idea to take your learning outdoors. What interesting facts did you write about yourself?

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