Primary 3 – 25/05/20 PM

Good afternoon everyone!


I would like you to create your own character and tell me about them using French vocabulary.  You could design a monster, a superhero, a person – it is up to you.  Copy and complete these sentences accurately to describe your character:

Je m’appelle………….              /   My name is……

J’ai …………   ans.                     /  I am ………… years old.

J’ai les yeux ………………….. / I have ………… eyes.

Possible eye colours are:

noirs   – black

verts – green

bleus – blue

marron – brown

gris – grey

Here is my example:

Topic – Food and Farming

Our topic this term was supposed to be Farming so we thought we would include some blog activities based on this topic.

This afternoon, take a full page in your jotter and draw a picture of a farm.  Include as much detail as you can to show us what you know about already.  You could even add labels or little notes on your drawing to give more information.

It would be great if parents/carers could email the pictures to us, at:

Thank you!

Mrs Harding

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 – 25/05/20 PM”

  1. R enjoyed the drawing tasks this afternoon.
    She drew a cookie character for the French task and named it Sparkle.
    For the farm task she drew different things that reminded her of a farm including animals, crops and a barn

  2. We picked up J’s Lunch and Art Booklet from the school this afternoon. He has drawn a picture of a Farm and a Slime Monster as well as writing out the French Sentences.
    J has also made a start on building a Stem Hot Rod Model with his Dad.

  3. That all sounds good!
    I hope you enjoy the materials in the art pack – I’m sure you will make some really creative things with them.
    Mrs Harding

  4. I have just seen your work in my email – well done!
    You have had a busy old day.
    Mrs Harding

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