Polkemmet Primary School Parent/Carer Survey

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you are safe and well.

As part of ongoing school self-evaluation we would like to ask all of our parents and carers to spend just a few minutes completing this anonymous survey.

This will help us to further enhance the unique and distinctive characteristic, spirit and culture of our school community.

The survey can be completed online via the link noted below and can be accessed through portable devices.

If you prefer we can provide you with a paper copy of the survey to complete.

Parents Complete Form here

Parents – https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKZrs4PcouytMv6A2R0y6TENUNk80TkYxMDlGMjI1R1RPV1k4VTVDNEs3NC4u

Thank you for your time to complete the survey.




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