Primary 3 – 19/05/20 AM

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend 🙂

Here is a new Home Learning Grid from myself and Mrs Docherty.  You can work through the activities in your own time, over the next two weeks.

home learning grid 4

During your daily walk, see if you can complete this daily walking challenge:

Thanks to @nlleisure !


This morning I would like you to practise sentence writing.  I would like you to practise spelling, punctuation and using descriptive language to describe the pictures below.

Everyone should remember capital letters at the start and full stops at the end!

For a challenge you could try using commas in a list (,), exclamation marks (!) and connectives (joining words).

The fluffy puppy was ready to play.

The puppy was fluffy, cute, playful and very loving.

The adorable puppy was tired out because she had been for a long walk.


Remember our email address is:

You can send us photos of your work or use it to ask any questions.

Mrs Harding

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 – 19/05/20 AM”

  1. Good morning,
    We hope you enjoyed a lovely long weekend.
    This morning R has completed the literacy task set in glow. She wrote some descriptive sentences about the two pictures posted and made sure to use punctuation correctly.
    R also carried out one of the numeracy tasks from the last home learning grid. She made number cards (using number up to 100) and played the two suggested games with them. She even had me jumping about the living room too.
    R is now taking part in her hip hop dance class via zoom and is so happy to see some of her dance friends.
    We look forward to doing the daily walking challenge when our later with our dog

  2. J wrote out six sentences for the pictures, three for each one. He has also completed more of the Sumdog Task.
    The other day we came across his Number Dice that he got from The Parents Club pack, I think from last year so we used those dice to do the task for his Home Learning Grid.
    Look forward to the Daily Walk Challenge later.

  3. Great work!
    That is good to know about the dice – you have just reminded me that I meant to post virtual dice on the blog! Will do that now…
    I hope you see a squirrel on your walk!

  4. Thank you – I had a lovely relaxing Monday holiday and even managed to watch a whole film as it was raining here 🙂
    Great job doing both Literacy and Numeracy tasks.
    I also hope that you see a squirrel on your walk! Maybe you could do your hip hop dance 🙂

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