Primary 3 Activities

Good Morning

Time to get moving with Jump Start Jonny


Choose a story from the link below and choose one of the following activities.

Choose a character and write a character profile.

Write a book review.

Write a recount of the story.

Write the story with an alternative ending,

Remember you can send us pictures to the P3 email.

Mrs Docherty

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 Activities”

  1. This morning R picked the story ‘ A tale of two beasts’ from the link provided. She throughly enjoyed listening to the story and afterwards write a book report on it. In her book report she used the following heading –
    Title, author, illustrated by, setting, main characters, plot and conclusion.
    R has also made her stick family picture after collecting the sticks in our walk last night

  2. J enjoyed Jump Start Jonny this morning, especially having his Teddy for relaxation at the end.
    He chose the story Zombies Don’t Eat Veggies and wrote a recount of it. He said he liked the part when Mo tricked his parents into eating Vegetables. He has also drawn a picture of a Zombie as he thought the pictures were cool.

  3. I am glad you enjoyed your workout this morning. Today I joined my children doing their morning workout, it was hard work! I will need to read that story, you can send me your recount to the class email.

  4. I am glad you enjoyed listening to the story, there are lots more you can listen to and do the suggested activities with. Great choice of headings for your book review.

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