Primary 3 – 12/05/20 PM

Good afternoon everyone 🙂


Mrs Keenan would like you to try the rhythm challenge. You can sing, clap or pat along, or even play your maraca if you made one.

Mrs Keenan would also like you to try some body percussion for the Nutcracker March!

Art / Outdoors Activity

When on your daily walk with your family, take a bag and collect some sticks.  Once you are home, try creating a stick version of your family as something to remember this time by.  Use glue or sellotape to attach the sticks to a piece of paper.  You could then add in some extra details.

Here is an example:

Remember to email any questions or photos of your work to:

Mrs Harding

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 – 12/05/20 PM”

  1. J has had a lot of fun with the songs, he liked doing with his Maraca and found it very challenging patting his hands.
    He is looking forward to collecting some sticks when out his walk this afternoon to make his Stick People Picture.
    We have also completed a few of the English Worksheets.

  2. Excellent! Remember you can email us the stick picture once you have done it so we can see too 🙂

  3. R enjoyed the nutcracker music. She enjoyed using her maracas and doing body percussion along to the beat. She found the body percussion very fun.
    We have also collected sticks in our walk this afternoon and R is going to make a picture from then tomorrow

  4. Sounds like a plan – I look forward to seeing your stick picture.
    Mrs Keenan will be pleased you enjoyed the music lessons!
    Take care,
    Mrs Harding

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